First of all, thank you all for the help!

Second: ok, let's look at the current state.

1) the drunken dude may be a liiiiitle to "tanky", getting to up to 5 dodge reactions per turn by level 17. I actually wanted the idea of getting better and better ad stepping outside of attacks, just maybe getting all of them with just a bonus action could be a bit too much.
Also, you will have noted the low request of ki compared to the other traditions. So, here may be a tweak: you may "dodge" an extra attack, even if you've already used your reaction, by spending 1 ki point. Sounds better?

2) Use of "charges" may be liked or not. I actually dig it. Moreover, i worded in "uses of stance" to clarify the ruling, but I obviously intended that you have to chug down a pint. Just pointing it out.

3) Strenght of spirit could actually be 1/long rest. Still thinking about it though.