Kuldir offers a deep bow from the waist when the priestess identifies herself as the Veiled Lady, though his eyes do not leave her veiled face, taking belated note of the blue patterning along the edge of the cotton - subtly different from those that had marked the veils of the few priestess he had seen in the past. Following her into the longhouse, he smiles at the ease with which the door opens, making note of the hinges, oiled with no spots of rust, and the proper hanging of the door within it's frame that allowed it to swing so smoothly.

"My apologies for not identifying you correctly, my Lady; part of why I wished to speak with you was in the hopes of addressing such failings."

Hanging his cloak of plain grey wool on a peg beside the door, Kuldir crosses the room to join the Lady by the fire at it's far end. His eyes pass over the tapestries as he goes - not his craft, but he can admire the workmanship and the beauty of the works. Waiting for the Lady to sit before settling himself into the cushioned pillows near the fire, he chooses a place nearest to the blaze, where the heat would dry his snow-dampened hair quickly enough.

"The first and greatest of those things I wished to discuss with you is this; a great many of the people who have chosen to accept the Clan's stewardship, our hand of friendship, follow the teachings of this House. In order to understand what is best for them, to guide them in good faith, I need to know more of those things they value, for their needs and desires are not always the same as those of the drimma. And so I would ask your blessing to send one of my Architect's here, to learn as would one of your priestesses. Please understand that I do not mean as a priestess, for we are children of the First Architect; but to learn alongside them, so that we may begin to understand the hearts of those people who follow the Pale Lady and find a path to balance their needs and ours."

Several of his Architects had already begun building relationships with the priestesses of the Pale Lady in their areas of influence, but Kuldir was convinced that it was here, in the center of their faith, that the truest examples of what they believed would be found.

"The second matter lies in the title you would have me take. You must first understand that my actions up to this point have not been guided by faith, but by honor and the best interests of my Clans and those people we have stewardship of; I say this not as an insult, but for the sake of clarity. If I am to accept the title of Lord Paramount, I must know it's obligations and duties, for those are things that no drimma has ever taken lightly."

A hint of emotion colors Kuldir's voice at this last point, as he thinks of the thousand he sent to their deaths over a point of obligation - volunteers all - despite the lord of that realm's failure to defend his own people.