As the first, dense pack of insects swarm over the battlements, it's like an avalance. It literally threatens to knock you on your back, the sheer weight and numbers. It is a herculean effort to push back, stand firm, and fight. But you do - through sound tactics, strong leadership, and strength of will.

Insects die in droves in those first moments - but not for nothing. Dozens of men are wounded, and there are plenty of insects to replace the fallen. But for now, the momentum is broken. New wasps buzz in to land among you, and the drones press hard against those guarding the walls. The archers on the towers, however, provide much needed relief for those men holding back the far deadlier drones.

At the foot of the walls, it's a veritable sea of claws and mandibles and skittering chitinous monsters.

Spoiler: Next round

Roll initiative. The number to beat is (1d20+3)[14]

For now, the footmen are holding their own. You may chose to aid them, or do other stuff - if you can come up with anything. You are still welcome to take a standard action and do something else - harsh language, a skill check or ability roll - to aid those poor, nameless saps whose fate is to be npc's.

Oh and .... if you're in the tower or actually at the battlements, you may roll spot vs 15.