Quote Originally Posted by QuintonBeck View Post
Letting the bearded man finished Ayasa nodded silently before answering.

"We have not had an uninitiated come to live with us for some time. I believe the last one was a bit over a century ago. You see, we welcome any willing to learn into the priesthood but to live alongside and learn our ways without commitment is a mighty honor to lend. Do not misunderstand my reticence for unwillingness, I am most eager to work with you and your people but perhaps you might understand the analogy of allowing a friendly but unknown man the right to listen to war council meetings and the private discussions of your family while the man refused to make any oath of loyalty to your crown or house? I should be welcome to allow one of your drimma to come and train as a priestess but for now, as we both discover more about the other, I must bend to caution as you do."

"I am aware you are not guided by faith, but faith guides you nonetheless. Those who you have bound yourself to through honor have bound themselves to this House and the Pale Lady. The people whom your drimma shepherd hear her words and mantras just as they hear the requests and orders of your Architects. You are already in obligation as a lord of faithful to the majority of the duties to be held as a Lord Paramount. To defend the faithful within your realm. To allow the practice of the Pale Lady to prosper within your lands. As Lord Paramount your only further duty would be to pledge defense of this House and the Pale Lady's servants here on earth, her priestesses and acolytes. Already you are by proxy bound through your honored word given to Aardrosil. Aardrosil who in our desperate time rode forward to defend us as we called for help, turning back the Nifhel once and now arriving to turn them back once more."

She paused, "You may of course refuse the title. Return it that I might grant it to another or leave it empty but it is a symbol as much as it is a responsibility. There was a time, known now only in old histories and tales of legends, when the Four Lords Paramount, united in common cause and belief, defended and preserved the northern lands from the malicious interests of southrons, islanders, rebels, and barbarians. Union, was said to have existed. A time of peace and great prosperity. I see in yourself, your line, and in the lines of the others whom the Pale Lady has recognized the chance to restore this former greatness. Already many of your have bound yourselves through secular oath and together have defeated a blasphemer and now arrive here to fend away another. A foundation, guided by the Lady has been forged, free from this House. We here see it and wish to grant its union our blessing and recognize its divine grant."
Kuldir nods his shaggy head as the Ayasa speaks.

"I see no reason not to accept the title now that I better understand what it means; it seems I would be remiss in my duties to my people to do otherwise. I know not if we can live up to the examples of Lords Paramount past, but peace and prosperity are worthy goals for any to strive towards."

"Given the analogy, I understand your reluctance to have one not of the faith within your House...I had not considered the request in such a manner." Kuldir thinks on the matter for a time, hands absently stroking his voluminous beard. "You do not know the drimma, and so are rightly cautious. Perhaps an advisor would be a better first step? A priestess of your choosing staying as my guest within the Clan House, with whom I might consult when making decisions that could impact your faithful. Such a posting might lack the opportunity to commune with the faithful on a regular basis, but I do not think they would find it lacking in the opportunity to serve their faith. Then perhaps after a decade or two, when we have come to know one another better, we might revisit the conversation."

Quote Originally Posted by Psilulz View Post
"Thank you priestess." Ehv'amhyr says, in Noorden, as the Ery'ka excuses herself.

"A pleasure to see you in more than ink, Veiled Lady Ayasa," He says as he approaches her, kneeling in front of her. "And to see the heart of my people." It is an awkward motion, kneeling, from a height just short of seven feet. Ehv'amhyr looks over to Kuldir and rises.

"And you, Grand Architect Ironsong, a great honor to see the one who saved so many of my people against the bloodthirsty K'juuda."
Again, Ehv'amhyr kneels. "I am indebted to you."

After giving proper thanks and greetings, the Noorden takes a seat by the flames.
Kuldir raises a hand in greeting as the great Noorden leader kneels before him, hiding a smile at the realization that even bent as he was, he'd barely reach the giant human's head if he were standing.

"Greeting to you Ehv'amhyr an Khuuldrumm; there is no debt between us, only the honoring of an agreement that I hope will grow into a proper friendship between your people and mine. Though I do hope that we will have greater success at forging a peace other than that of the sword with these Nifhel."