The Harbinger tilted his head as Drepsótt continued to translate Ayasa's message into his native tongue. Motioning vigorously with his hands, he thrusted a thumb behind him towards the North he called home. "You hurt me by thinking K'ju-hda would have any power in Nifhel. He is a coward and was caught in battle, dishonorable. He holds dominion over the feeding trough of my horse. He means nothing to me, but his riders see something in him, and I am a Horsemen at heart," Drepsòtt paused for a second as she tried to think of a word, promptly arousing a light jab from the Harbinger to go on "Some of our lands are unstable, but even now my people take root. Speak to the locals and see if you wish. No peasant has raised a blade to the Harbinger yet."