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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Boku No hero Academia I: because it deserves a thread.

    Oh, new chapter

    Spoiler: A Bacchanal in the Darkness - C.73

    Thus begins the confrontation. I'm glad the gas masks are actually part of their plan rather than that just being their thing. Though that does have the added benefit of remembering who are supposed to be the bad guys here, since there are like 40 kids and 7-8 adults out there with many not being super-familiar to us at this point. That, and there were more on team villain than the last panel from the previous chapter implied, so it's good to have something there to differentiate them.

    Not much more to say about this one. It's another great one for funny expressions, and I particularly like the panel of the guys and girls sleeping as it so fits their characters to be like that.
    Last edited by Kitten Champion; 2015-12-28 at 08:26 PM.