Bleeding Sores of Iz (IZ42)

This disease, contracted at times on Avernus, inflicts the pain and suffering of the legendary Iz onto those afflicted by it. Slowly but surely those inflicted by the disease waste away wounds forming across their bodies, blood filled sores developing across their flesh.

Incubation period: 2d4 days.
Damage: 1d4+1 Constitution damage
Fortitude Save: 16
Special: Those inflicted with the Bleeding Sores of Iz suffer 1 additional point of damage each round for 1 minute or until they receive a DC 15 Heal check or at least 1 point of magical healing every time they take damage from a slashing or piercing weapon; multiple instances of this damage stack.

Paladin's Justice (Loyal Paladin)

This poison, used primarily by servants of law, has no effect upon Lawful Good creatures, and its most grievous against creatures of Chaos and Evil.

Saving Throw DC: 20
Initial Damage: None if Lawful Good, 1d3 Strength if not Lawful Good but not Chaotic or Evil, 1d4 Strength if Neutral or Lawful Evil, 1d6 Strength if Chaotic Good or Neutral, 2d6 Strength if Chaotic Evil.
Secondary Damage: None if Lawful Good, 1d3 Strength if not Lawful Good but not Chaotic or Evil, 1d4 Strength if Neutral or Lawful Evil, 1d6 Strength if Chaotic Good or Neutral, 2d6 Strength if Chaotic Evil and instantly returned to their home plane.
Cost per Dose: Umm... 500 GP???

Fel Spit (Red Fel)

Concocted only in the depths of Nessus itself, this supernatural poison corrupts the mind and will as much as the body, causing evil to flow through the afflicted.

Saving Throw DC: 22
Initial Damage: 2d6 Wisdom
Secondary Damage: Alignment becomes Evil for 1 hour (as morality undone).
Cost per Dose: 500 GP???

Neophenitis (Neopheonix0)

Usually contracted during travel through the Astral Plane either via actually traveling upon it, or the brief contact with the plane that happens during teleportation and planar travel.

Incubation period: 1d4 days.
Damage: 1d3 Dexterity, Wisdom, and Charisma damage.
Fortitude Save: 18
Special: While afflicted with Neophenitis you teleport 1d10 x 5-ft in a random direction once every 1 to 10 minutes. Neophenitis resists attempts at magical cure, requiring a DC 25 caster level check to cure with Remove Disease.