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    In the Playground, duh.

    Default Re: 3.X Ancillary Contest VII - Community the Many as One

    Sorry, I feel I should post this for everyone's benefit since you forgot:



    Description of feat.
    Benefit: What the feat actually does mechanically.
    Special: Any additional information about the feat, for example whether it can be taken more than once.

    Description of feat.
    [b]Benefit:[/b] What the feat actually does mechanically.
    [b]Special:[/b] Any additional information about the feat, for example whether it can be taken more than once.

    School (subschool) [Descriptors]
    Level: Where it goes on spell lists.
    Casting Time:
    Range: Usually Personal, Touch, Close (25-ft +5-ft/2 caster levels), Medium (100-ft + 10-ft/caster level), or Long (400-ft + 40-ft/caster levels), although other ranges are happen largely on Area effects which originate from the caster.
    Target: Only one
    Effect: of these
    Area: three
    Saving Throw: Excluded from personal spells.
    Spell Resistance: Excluded from personal spells.
    Descriptive text
    Game mechanic effect.

    School (subschool) [Descriptors]
    [b]Level:[/b] Where it goes on spell lists.
    [b]Casting Time:[/b]
    [b]Range:[/b] Usually Personal, Touch, Close (25-ft +5-ft/2 caster levels), Medium (100-ft + 10-ft/caster level), or Long (400-ft + 40-ft/caster levels), although other ranges are happen largely on Area effects which originate from the caster.
    [b]Target:[/b] Only one
    [b]Effect:[/b] of these
    [b]Area:[/b] three
    [b]Saving Throw:[/b] Excluded from personal spells.
    [b]Spell Resistance:[/b] Excluded from personal spells.
    [i]Descriptive text[/i]
    Game mechanic effect.

    While I prefer a variation of the spell format with Grade thrown in the official format is

    Grade; Level Equivalent; If it is an Eldritch Essence or Invocation.
    Game mechanic effect (don’t forget range and duration).

    Grade; Level Equivalent; If it is an Eldritch Essence or Invocation.
    Game mechanic effect (don’t forget range and duration).

    Vestige Level:
    Binding DC:
    Special Requirement: Y/N
    Who/what your vestige is.
    Legend: Legend behind the vestige.
    Special Requirement: If it has a special requirement list it here.
    Manifestation: What the vestige looks like when it manifests.
    Sign: The physical manifestation of the pact on your body.
    Influence: The mental influence the vestige applies to you, and what actions it objects to.
    Granted Abilities: A brief description of the general abilities.
    Ability name: Ability effect. Repeat a few times.
    Ability name: Ability effect. Repeat a few times.
    Ability name: Ability effect. Repeat a few times.

    Vestige Level:
    Binding DC:
    Special Requirement: Y/N
    Who/what your vestige is.
    [b]Legend:[/b] Legend behind the vestige.
    [b]Special Requirement:[/b] If it has a special requirement list it here.
    [b]Manifestation:[/b] What the vestige looks like when it manifests.
    [b]Sign:[/b] The physical manifestation of the pact on your body.
    [b]Influence:[/b] The mental influence the vestige applies to you, and what actions it objects to.
    [b]Granted Abilities:[/b] A brief description of the general abilities.
    [i]Ability name:[/i] Ability effect. Repeat a few times.
    [i]Ability name:[/i] Ability effect. Repeat a few times.
    [i]Ability name:[/i] Ability effect. Repeat a few times.


    Path Category, Path Name
    Target: Only one
    Effect: of these
    Area: three
    Saving Throw: Excluded from personal spells.
    Spell Resistance: Excluded from personal spells.
    Fluff description
    Game mechanics

    [b]Path Category, Path Name[/b]
    [b]Target:[/b] Only one
    [b]Effect:[/b] of these
    [b]Area:[/b] three
    [b]Saving Throw:[/b] Excluded from personal spells.
    [b]Spell Resistance:[/b] Excluded from personal spells.
    [i]Fluff description[/i]
    [b]Game mechanics[/b]


    Lexicon: Whether it’s Evolving Mind/Crafted Tool/Perfected Map
    Target: Crafted Tool only.

    If Evolving Mind:
    Normal: Fluff description
    Mechanic description.
    Reversed: Fluff description
    Mechanic description.

    If not:
    Fluff description
    Mechanic description.

    [b]Lexicon:[/b] Whether it’s Evolving Mind/Crafted Tool/Perfected Map
    [b]Target:[/b] Crafted Tool only.

    If Evolving Mind:
    [b]Normal:[/b][i] Fluff description[/i]
    Mechanic description.
    [b]Reversed:[/b][i] Fluff description[/i]
    Mechanic description.

    If not:
    [i]Fluff description[/i]
    Mechanic description.

    Discipline (Maneuver type: Strike/Boost/Counter/Stance) [Descriptors]
    Prerequisites: If any
    Initiation Action: Typically standard (strike), swift (boost or stance), or immediate (counter).
    Range: Commonly melee attack or personal.
    Target: Normally 1 creature or You.
    Duration: Exempted from strikes with instantaneous effects. Stances have Stance.
    Saving Throw: If a save is allowed.
    Fluff description

    Discipline (Maneuver type: Strike/Boost/Counter/Stance) [Descriptors]
    [b]Prerequisites:[/b] If any
    [b]Initiation Action:[/b] Typically standard (strike), swift (boost or stance), or immediate (counter).
    [b]Range:[/b] Commonly melee attack or personal.
    [b]Target:[/b] Normally 1 creature or You.
    [b]Duration:[/b] Exempted from strikes with instantaneous effects. Stances have Stance.
    [b]Saving Throw:[/b] If a save is allowed.
    [i]Fluff description[/i]

    Psionic Powers
    Discipline [Descriptors]
    Level: Where it goes on power lists.
    Manifesting Time:
    Range: Usually Personal, Touch, Close (25-ft +5-ft/2 manifester levels), Medium (100-ft + 10-ft/ manifester level), or Long (400-ft + 40-ft/ manifester levels), although other ranges are happen largely on Area effects which originate from the manifester.
    Target: Only one
    Effect: of these
    Area: three
    Saving Throw: Excluded from personal spells.
    Power Resistance: Excluded from personal spells.
    Power Points: PP cost and if it costs XP.
    Descriptive text
    Game mechanic effect.
    Augmentation: Augmentation effects.

    Discipline [Descriptors]
    [b]Level:[/b] Where it goes on power lists.
    [b]Manifesting Time:[/b]
    [b]Range:[/b] Usually Personal, Touch, Close (25-ft +5-ft/2 manifester levels), Medium (100-ft + 10-ft/ manifester level), or Long (400-ft + 40-ft/ manifester levels), although other ranges are happen largely on Area effects which originate from the manifester.
    [b]Target:[/b] Only one
    [b]Effect:[/b] of these
    [b]Area:[/b] three
    [b]Saving Throw:[/b] Excluded from personal spells.
    [b]Power Resistance:[/b] Excluded from personal spells.
    [b]Power Points:[/b] PP cost and if it costs XP.
    [i]Descriptive text[/i]
    Game mechanic effect.
    [b]Augmentation:[/b] Augmentation effects.

    Descriptors: None is an option.
    Classes: What classes get this meld.
    Chakra: What chakras it can occupy. (Totem) is included for Totemist melds.
    Saving Throw: None is an option.
    Fluff description
    Essentia: Bonus from investment.

    Chakra Bind (Chakra)
    Fluff description

    [b]Descriptors:[/b] None is an option.
    [b]Classes:[/b] What classes get this meld.
    [b]Chakra:[/b] What chakras it can occupy. (Totem) is included for Totemist melds.
    [b]Saving Throw:[/b] None is an option.
    [i]Fluff description[/i]
    [b]Essentia:[/b] Bonus from investment.

    [B][SIZE=3]Chakra Bind (Chakra)[/SIZE][/B]
    [i] Fluff description[/i]

    Communal Magic
    "A hundred sorcerers stand in a circle, enveloping the field in a wave of light that will never leave."

    Communal magic allows many creatures to cast a spell together. This requires that a large number of spells be fed into a magical field, and this field directed by the leader of the community.

    To create a community simply requires that all the creatures who wish to cast the spell stand within a 100 foot radius circle, and then each one can sacrifice a single spell slot to cast the communal spell. If any creatures refuse to supply spell slots, no spell slots are spent.

    Communal spells are a lot more powerful than spells cast by a single caster, and so they have higher levels than normal. They use the primary ability score bonus of the community leader - who is considered the caster - but the community leader doesn't need to have a high ability score bonus to cast the spell, only to have one high enough to have access to the spell that the community leader is expending to cast the communal spell. For example, if the community leader is giving up a fireball to direct a 12th-level communal spell, the required intelligence score is 13, not 22.

    Communal spells give the spells that must be given up to cast them in their descriptions.

    Creatures can use spell-like abilities, psi-like abilities or psychic powers instead of spells. Rather than giving up spell slots, they give up psi points or uses of their spell-like abilities. The Law of Resistance applies to utterances used in this way; the Law of Sequence doesn't.

    Apprentice's Storm
    Universal [Communal]
    Level: Communal 10
    Components: V, S, 200 cantrips (Not orisons).
    Casting Time: 1 standard action.
    Range: Personal.
    Target: The community leader.
    Duration: 1 day.
    Save: See text.
    The leader of the community is imbued with the power of hundreds of prestidigitation effects.

    The community leader is the beneficiary of a powerful version of the prestidigitation spell for the duration. The telekinetic function is replaced with the effect of the actual spell telekinesis, though the violent thrust can only be used once per 10 minutes (it doesn't end the spell). Instead of just colouring an object, the apprentice's storm can be used to create images of objects, change the appearance of objects, or seem to make an object appear displaced, though a will save allows this to be disbelieved. Cleaning a creature or object removes disease from it, while soiling it inflicts filth fever on it. Chilling or warming an object deals 1d6/level points of cold or fire damage respectively to that object and each creature touching it. The objects created are much like those created by minor creation.

    Army of Angels
    Conjuration (Calling) [Community, Good]
    Level: Communal 30
    Components: V, S, 300 levels of divine Calling spells.
    Casting Time: 1 standard action.
    Range: 1 mile
    Effect: Small legion of angels.
    Duration: 1 minute/level
    Saving Throw: No.
    Spell Resistance: None.
    The community calls upon the armies of the heavens to come to their aid.

    The Army of Angels can only be called upon by an exclusively good congregation. The Army of Angels calls into service 1000 cometars, 500 devas, 150 lunars, 100 solars or 5 cosmics. They serve the will of the community for the duration, as long as the community is well intentioned.

    Avatar of the Lost
    Abjuration Conjuration Divination Enchantment Evocation Illusion Transmutation Necromancy [Communal]
    Level: Communal 50
    Components: V, S, 100 Wishes or Reality Revisions.
    Casting Time: 6 hours.
    Range: See text.
    Target: One god.
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: None
    Spell Resistance: No.
    By banding together and bringing forth every kind of magic, the assembled congregation attempts to replicate Karsus' final act.

    Avatar of the lost slays a single god, anywhere, and grants its divine rank and powers to the community leader.

    Avatar of the lost counters but does not dispel divine intervention.

    Blight of the Blighted
    Necromancy [Communal]
    Level: Communal 16
    Components: V, S, 30 Blights
    Casting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: 10 miles
    Area: 1 mile radius
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Fortitude Half, see text
    Spell Resistance: Yes
    The air stills for a moment, and then every plant in a massive area dies simultaneously.

    Blight of the blighted works much like blight, but it affects every plant in the area.

    Bugsby's Crazy Hand
    Evocation [Communal, Force]
    Level: Communal 18
    Components: V, S, 2 Crushing Hands, 2 Clenched Fists, 2 Grasping Hands, 2 Forceful Hands, 2 Interposing Hands
    Casting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Long (400 ft + 40 ft/level)
    Effect: 10 ft hand
    Duration: 10 minutes/level
    Saving Throw: None.
    Spell Resistance: Yes.
    You summon the crazy hand, an even more powerful handlike creature.

    Bugsby's crazy hand works just like Bugsby's master hand except that it has all ability scores of 65, and its empowered maximised magic missile spell-like ability are replaced with an ability much like the first function of fire seeds, except that the bombs are created out of nothing and can all be launched instantly.

    Bugsby's Master Hand
    Evocation [Communal, Force]
    Level: Communal 16
    Components: V, S, Crushing Hand, Clenched Fist, Grasping Hand, Forceful Hand, Interposing Hand
    Casting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Long (400 ft + 40 ft/level)
    Effect: 10 ft hand
    Duration: 10 minutes/level
    Saving Throw: None.
    Spell Resistance: Yes.
    You summon the Master Hand, a powerful being which is capable of defeating even powerful foes alone.

    Bugsby's master hand acts as crushing hand, only it can also attack as a clenched fist, its strength score is 55, and it can do anything that a giant, disembodied hand could reasonably be expected to do, such as picking up and throwing objects, without costing you actions - if it matters, the master hand's ability scores are all treated as 55, and it has a fly speed of 120 feet (perfect).

    The master hand can also use the Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave and Whirlwind Attack feats, and can cast empowered maximised magic missile and searing light, each of these as a spell-like ability at your own caster level, at will.

    Burning Memories
    Evocation [Communal, Fire]
    Level: Communal 16
    Components: V, S, 200 levels of fire spells.
    Casting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: 1 mile
    Area: 400 foot radius.
    Duration: Instantaneous and 1 day; see text.
    Saving Throw: Reflex half.
    Spell Resistance: No.
    A roiling cloud of flame burns worlds to cinders and ash.

    Each creature or object caught in the initial blast of burning memories takes 20d6 points of damage. Half of this damage (round up) is fire damage; the other half (round down) is true damage and cannot be prevented, mitigated or resisted in any way. The fire continues to burn for 1 day - each creature or object Catches on Fire each round they are in the area, and half the damage dealt in this way (round down) is true damage, even if the spell has already ended.

    Call Tarrasque
    Conjuration (Calling) [Communal]
    Level: Communal 12
    Components: V, S, 100 levels of calling spells.
    Casting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: 100 feet
    Effect: One tarrasque
    Duration: 1 hour
    Saving Throw: No.
    Spell Resistance: None.
    You call a tarrasque to aid in your struggle.

    You call a tarrasque to a location in range. It serves willingly and well for the hour.

    Divine Intervention
    Evocation [Communal]
    Level: Communal 50
    Components: V, S, 100 miracles
    Casting Time: 5 hours.
    Range: See text.
    Effect: See text.
    Duration: See text.
    Saving Throw: No.
    Spell Resistance: None.
    The gods themselves grant their blessing to the humble supplicants.

    Divine intervention is a powerful version of a miracle spell. It has one of the following effects:

    • Duplicate any spell of 49th level or lower, including spells altered by metamagic to be this high a level.
    • Undo the effects of any number of harmful spells, such as feeblemind or insanity.
    • Resurrect (as resurrection) any number of creatures within 400 feet.
    • Move any number of creatures or objects of any weight within 1 mile to another location or plane.
    • Protect a city from all ills for one year.

    In any case, a deity may still refuse a request out of keeping with its alignment. Duplicated spells allow spell resistance and saving throws as normal, but the save DCs are for a 50th-level spell, minus the spell level adjustment of the metamagic feats that have been applied to the spell.

    Divine intervention counters but does not dispel avatar of the lost.

    Dragon's Roar
    Evocation [Communal, Sonic]
    Level: Communal 12
    Components: V, S, 100 levels of Sonic spells.
    Casting Time: 1 round.
    Range: 600 feet
    Area: 600 foot cone.
    Duration: 1 round.
    Saving Throw: Fortitude partial.
    Spell Resistance: No.
    This spell creates a roar like that of a massive dragon, and powerful winds sweep creatures away.

    Tornado-force winds sweep out away from the caster for one round, and during that round each creature who fails a fortitude save in that area is deafened. Even if a creature isn't deafened, they can't hear anything else over the mighty roar.

    The dragon's roar cuts through even areas of magical silence.

    Excellion's Emancipation
    Abjuration Enchantment [Communal]
    Level: Communal 12
    Components: V, S, Disjunction, Greater Dispel Magic, Dispel Magic, Dominate Monster, Dominate Person, Suggestion, Break Enchantment
    Casting Time: 1 round.
    Range: 1 mile.
    Target: Each creature in range.
    Duration: Instantaneous.
    Saving Throw: None.
    Spell Resistance: No.
    This spell frees all victims of mental slavery.

    Excellion's emancipation ends each mind-effecting ability affecting a creature in the area, as well as any spell which allows the caster to control another creature. Summoning and Calling spells do not end, but the caster loses control of the creature.

    False Blizzard
    Evocation Illusion (Figment) [Cold, Communal]
    Level: Communal 10
    Components: V, S, Ice Storm, Major Image
    Casting Time: 1 round
    Range: 1 mile
    Area: 400 foot radius cylinder, 1000 feet high.
    Duration: 1 day/level
    Saving Throw: None
    Spell Resistance: No
    You create the appearance of a mighty blizzard, which obscures vision and leads people to their doom.

    A false blizzard is an illusion of a blizzard, with tactile, thermal, visible, audible and even olfactory and gustatory components; it seems to all inspection just like a real blizzard and the illusion component is hidden to spells such as detect magic. Further, the blizzard appears easier to move through the more dangerous an area is in actuality.

    Frozen Lake
    Evocation [Cold, Communal]
    Level: Communal 12
    Components: V, S, 20 Freezing Spheres
    Casting Time: 1 minute
    Range: 1 mile
    Target: Any amount of one body of water that fits in range.
    Duration: 1 year
    Saving Throw: Reflex see text.
    Spell Resistance: No.
    You put your wits together to freeze a river or lake over completely.

    The chosen area of water freezes solid for the duration. This is almost certainly enough to prevent any further water breaking through the ice.

    Creatures at the surface of the water can clamber onto the ice with a successful reflex save, taking only 5d6 points of cold damage, but each other creature in the water takes 1d6/level and is frozen under the water, preventing movement unless the creature is at the surface, in which case a DC 20 strength check frees them. Creatures stuck in the ice take 1d6 points of cold damage each round.

    The ice can be melted, but the natural temperature of the area is -40 degrees. This means that the ice will very quickly refreeze, although in the case of a naturally fast-flowing river, it may be possible to turn it into a glacier by throwing fires over the area.

    The spell can't be ended by dispelling it. The only way to end the spell is with a burning memories spell cast onto the river, or a divine intervention or magedeath to end the spell.

    Evocation Transmutation [Communal, Force]
    Level: Communal 12
    Components: V, S, M (A holy symbol), disintegrate, 100 magic missiles.
    Casting Time: 1 round.
    Range: 1 mile
    Target: Each holy symbol or religious structure in range.
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (Object)
    Spell Resistance: No.
    This powerful spell seeks out and destroys symbols of faith.

    Each holy symbol and religious structure in the area is destroyed. Attended holy symbols - even those unsuitable for use as divine foci - or occupied structures (or those of either which are intelligent) can take a fortitude saving throw, but they still take 1d6 points of force damage per level, ignoring hardness, if they pass.

    A holy symbol destroyed in this way shatters into fragments, dealing 1d6 points of slashing damage to each creature within 5 feet of it and an additional 1d6 to a creature wearing or holding it (This damage is dealt by the holy symbol, so silver holy symbols will bypass DR/silver). A holy symbol which is drawn on paper is simply destroyed along with the paper; so too is the fate of those inscribed on most other surfaces. A holy symbol on a cliff face will not bring down the cliff, but a little of the face of the cliff crumbles. Incredibly durable materials such as adamantine will resist, and only a minute layer (invariably not enough to deal any real damage to the adamantine) will fall off.

    A holy symbol tattooed on a creature explodes off them, dealing them 2d6 points of force damage, whereas a symbol only inked on merely reddens the skin as it leaves, just like rubbing it off with a pumice stone. Any kind of birthmark is not treated as a religious symbol and the spell ignores it. The creature can take the fortitude save for its symbol.

    A religious structure's collapse is treated as a cave-in for a creature inside. Creatures in a doorway to the outside of the building are almost invariably (Reflex DC 5) able to abandon the building fast enough to avoid being trapped.

    Illusory World
    Illusion (Figment) [Communal]
    Level: Communal 16
    Components: V, S, 200 levels of figments.
    Casting Time: 1 standard action.
    Range: 100 miles
    Area: Everywhere in range.
    Duration: 1 hour/level.
    Saving Throw: Will disbelief
    Spell Resistance: No.
    You create an illusion that spans fields and mountains, seas and cities.

    Illusory world works just the same as persistent image except as noted here and that the community leader can change what the illusion does as a move action, and radically overhauling the image both entitles creatures who previously believed the illusion to save again to disbelieve it, and forces those who previously disbelieved it to do the same.

    Immortal Coil
    Abjuration [Communal]
    Level: Communal 14
    Components: V, S, 150 levels of abjuration spells.
    Casting Time: 1 hour
    Range: Personal
    Target: The community leader.
    Duration: 1 day/level (D)
    Saving Throw: No.
    Spell Resistance: None.
    The community leader is afforded temporary immunity.

    The first time during the duration that the community leader would die, instead immortal coil restores the community leader to perfect state and grants immunity to the type of effect that would have killed the community leader for the rest of the duration.

    Some community leaders use this spell and deliberately have their acolytes attempt to kill them with normal damage to render themselves immune for the duration, but you can't have more than one instance of immortal coil active at once.

    Undead, constructs and deathless can use this spell, and it triggers when they would be destroyed.

    Khadgar's Kinetic Bombardment
    Evocation Transmutation [Communal, Force]
    Level: Communal 18
    Components: Earthquake, Telekinesis, 200 levels of force spells
    Casting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: 10 miles
    Effect: Random bombardments scattered through the area.
    Duration: 1 round/level
    Saving Throw: Reflex half
    Spell Resistance: No.
    You pull items from orbit and slam them into the ground with high speed and abysmal accuracy.

    Each round, you choose a place within range, and then randomly determine a location 10d6-10d6 feet away from the chosen location in a random direction. Then, every creature within 100 feet of the chosen location takes 1d6/level points of force damage as an object tumbles down from space and slams into the location. Creatures with evasion can't possibly evade the entire attack and take a quarter of the damage even if they pass the save.

    Buildings near the impact take 3d6/level force damage, ignoring their hardness, while anyone or anything actually impacted by the falling projectile takes 10d6/level force damage, and is extremely unlucky.

    Knowledge Overload
    Divination [Communal]
    Level: Communal 15
    Components: V, S, 1 Discern Location, 100 Detect Thoughts
    Casting Time: 1 minute
    Range: Infinite
    Target: 1 creature
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Will half (Community leader only)
    Spell Resistance: No
    You choose a creature, and suddenly every detail of their life is yours.

    The community leader strains under the effort of the spell, and immediately takes 2d6 points of intelligence, wisdom and charisma damage (save once for each). Even if the community leader falls comatose, every detail of the target's existence is transferred to the community leader's knowledge.

    Information transferred includes everything that the creature has ever done or had done to them, everything done because of or in relation to that creature, and every piece of information about that creature in existence. The community leader can never forget any of this information. The ability damage, though, heals normally.

    Abjuration [Communal]
    Level: Communal 15
    Components: Disjunction, protection from spells, spell turning, antimagic field, greater dispel magic, globe of invulnerability, lesser globe of invulnerability, dispel magic.
    Casting Time: 1 round.
    Range: 1 mile
    Area: 1 mile radius, centred on the community leader.
    Duration: Instantaneous.
    Saving Throw: None.
    Spell Resistance: No.
    Magedeath ends all magic in its area.

    Magedeath ends each spell, power, spell-like, psi-like or supernatural ability in its area, except for supernatural abilities that are not activated and are simply a quality of a creature (such as a dryad's tree dependency). They are simply ended, not dispelled, so spells such as fly which behave in a specific way when dispelled or when the duration expires do not do so.

    Noone's Black Hole
    Conjuration Evocation (Creation Teleportation) [Communal, Darkness, Force]
    Level: Communal 21
    Components: V, S, Gate, 20 Plane Shifts, 10 Deeper Darknesses, 200 levels of force spells
    Casting Time: 1 hour
    Range: 1 mile/level
    Effect: One black hole
    Duration: See text
    Saving Throw: Fortitude see text
    Spell Resistance: No
    You create a singularity point that drags creatures into a gate into the plane of void.

    Noone's black hole creates a singularity point whose radius increases at a rate of 5 feet/round as long as the community leader concentrates. Everything within a range up to 5 times the black hole's own radius experiences tornado force winds towards the centre, with the winds decreasing by one step for each further five times the black hole's radius.

    A creature or object which touches the black hole is torn apart by it, taking 100d6 points of true damage and, even if they somehow survive, being sucked into the plane of void. True damage cannot be resisted, mitigated or prevented by any means, and the plane of void is an empty plane where there is no magic, and which cannot normally be accessed. Creatures in the plane of void take damage as though nailed to the sky. Because you invariably don't have the body on hand of a creature in the plane of void, you will need a true resurrection or similar means of returning a creature to life (unless you have a severed body part, in which case resurrection will work just fine).

    After one round per level, or if the community leader stops concentrating (or both), the black hole shrinks as fast as it grew until it disappears.

    Noone's Perdition
    Necromancy [Communal, Death]
    Level: Communal 11
    Components: V, S, 120 levels of [Death] spells
    Casting Time: 1 round
    Range: Infinite
    Target: One creature
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Will partial
    Spell Resistance: No.
    This spell severs a creature's connection to reality, destroying it instantly.

    Noone's perdition slays a single creature anywhere on the same plane, even if no-one casting the spell has line of effect to that creature or the slightest clue where it is (but if it's not on the same plane, the spell fails). A creature that passes its will save still takes true damage equal to half its current hit points, plus five. True damage can't be prevented, mitigated or resisted.

    A creature slain by Noone's perdition is utterly destroyed. Only a miracle, wish, reality revision or ritual of renaming to restore the creature's existence followed by either another wish, miracle or reality revision and either another of those spells or resurrection, or just a true resurrection, to restore the creature's body and life, can actually resurrect the creature.

    A creature who takes true damage from this effect can't be killed by that true damage. If they would be, then they are kept alive as the damage is dealt, healed to -9 hit points, and then they resume bleeding unless they stabilise successfully.

    Phoenix Anew
    Abjuration Evocation [Communal, Fire]
    Level: Communal 16
    Components: V, S, immortal coil (See above), 50 levels of fire spells.
    A more powerful version of immortal coil takes retribution on the person who would kill the community leader.

    Phoenix anew works just like immortal coil except that when a creature tries to kill the community leader and is foiled by the spell's effect, they take 1d6 points of damage level. Half of this damage is fire damage, but the other half is true damage, and cannot be prevented, mitigated or resisted in any way.

    Raging Storm
    Evocation Transmutation [Communal, Electricity]
    Level: Communal 15
    Components: V, S, Whirlwind, 10 Control Weathers, 50 levels of electricity spells
    Casting Time: 10 minutes
    Range: 100 miles
    Area: 10 mile radius
    Duration: 1 day/level
    Saving Throw: Fortitude partial, Reflex half, See text
    Spell Resistance: No.
    You create a storm of epic proportions that rages across the lands.

    All storms in the area are increased in severity by three steps, putting them to a minimum of severe. Cataclysm-force winds (Tornado+1) blow away huge or smaller creatures, knock down gargantuan and check colossal creatures (DC 35). Skyrender-force winds (Tornado+2) blow away gargantuan or smaller creatures and knock down colossal creatures (DC 40). Armageddon-Force winds (Tornado+3) blow away all creatures (DC 50).

    In addition, the creatures who cast the spell can each fire a lightning bolt (as call lightning storm) at their own caster level into anywhere in the area once per hour.

    Shadow Form
    Illusion (Shadow) [Communal]
    Level: Communal 17
    Components: V, S, 200 levels of shadow spells.
    Casting Time: 1 minute
    Range: 400 feet
    Area: Everything within range.
    Duration: 1 hour/level.
    Saving Throw: None
    Spell Resistance: No.
    You can use your illusions as though they were real.

    Any figment in range of the shadow form spell becomes partially real, allowing you and your allies to use it - you can pick up an illusory sword and wield it, for example. However, objects made in this way are never of magical quality, though they can be masterwork. Further, illusory creatures made like this can't actually harm enemies, although you can use them as mounts and they can't themselves be harmed. You can use an illusory glass wall to block enemy projectiles and let your own through, and you can make illusory siege weapons, even ones that reload themselves if you are using an illusion spell good enough to do that.

    Standing on an illusion and moving it under your feet allows you to attain high speeds, but you can't move more than 100 feet per round in this way.

    True Light
    Evocation [Communal, Light]
    Level: Communal 25
    Components: V, S, 300 levels of [Light] spells
    Casting Time: 8 hours.
    Range: 1 mile/level.
    Area: 1 mile radius burst.
    Duration: Instantaneous.
    Saving Throw: None.
    Spell Resistance: No.
    You bathe an area in constant bright light, forever.

    The illumination of the area is bright light. No spells or other effects can reduce the area's illumination below this level. The only way to stop it is to cast 300 levels of [Darkness] spells simultaneously into the area.

    Undead Horde
    Necromancy [Communal]
    Level: Communal 14
    Components: 130 levels of spells that create undead.
    Casting Time: See text.
    Range: 1 mile
    Target: Many dead bodies in range, see text.
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: None.
    Spell Resistance: No.
    Together, you summon an undead horde which you collectively control.

    Each of the casters, starting with the community leader, raises a number of hit dice of undead equal to or less than 1d4 per level of the spell that particular caster used (roll xd4, not 1d4*x), much as the animate dead spell. The key advantage of this, however, is that they may also create any kind of undead that could be created through create greater undead, as well as the fact that this can be done from afar, and it is costless.

    The casting time is one round per caster, but each caster can act normally after raising their undead.

    Evocation Transmutation [Communal, Fire]
    Level: Communal 13
    Components: V, S, Move Earth, Earthquake, 100 levels of fire spells.
    Casting Time: 1 minute
    Range: Very Long (800 feet + 80 ft/level)
    Effect: One volcano.
    Duration: See text.
    Saving Throw: See text.
    Spell Resistance: No.
    It's a volcano; what do you expect?

    A crater, full of lava and 20 feet across, appears at a location within range. Creatures are entitled to a reflex save to get out of the way, otherwise they fall into a pit of magma. The crater, and the surrounding 120 feet of land, starts to rise to form a small hill over the next 6 rounds, dealing 40d6 points of damage to each building, or discrete damageable part of a building, on top of it each of these rounds. Then, the crater erupts, causing choking smoke to move out of the crater at a speed of 300 feet/round for 20 rounds, and lava to move out at the comparatively leisurely pace of 60 feet/round for 20 rounds. Each creature in the smoke must take a fortitude save each round or be staggered in that round.

    The lava produced by this spell is nonmagical, so it goes through antimagic fields much like the results of instantaneous conjurations.

    Xul's Shadow Power
    Illusion (Shadow) [Communal]
    Level: Communal 18
    Components: V, S, Shades, 150 levels of other shadow spells.
    Casting Time: See text
    Range: See text
    Target: See text
    Duration: See text
    Saving Throw: Will half
    Spell Resistance: No
    You create a half-real duplicate of a spell, but each half - real or fake - is as potent as the spell itself.

    Xul's shadow power mimicks a single conjuration or evocation spell of up to 10th level, but the effect is applied twice. A successful will save disbelieves the second version of the spell, meaning that the spell only affects the target on

    Zaydos' Dragonform
    Transmutation [Communal]
    Level: Communal 15
    Components: V, S, 200 levels of spells/powers/etc with "Dragon" in their name.
    Casting Time: 1 round
    Range: Infinite
    Target: The entire community
    Duration: 1 hour/level
    Saving Throw: None
    Spell Resistance: No
    The community coalesces into a giant dragon.

    The community merges into a great wyrm dragon of the community leader's choice, centred as close as possible on the community leader's original space. (This should be restricted to one of the great wyrm dragons presented in the Monster Manual, or others at DM discretion). Remember where all the community members are at this time. The community leader essentially controls the dragon, but each other member of the community can still cast spells or powers using their own actions, measuring ranges from any point on the dragon.

    When the dragon is slain or the duration expires, each community member returns to their original location relative to the dragon. That is, a creature that was three squares behind the dragon when the spell was cast appears three squares behind the location that the dragon died or expired in.

    School (subschool) [Communal]
    Level: Communal
    Casting Time:
    Saving Throw:
    Spell Resistance:

    (Permissions to use playgrounders as inspiration can be found here.)
    Last edited by Jormengand; 2016-02-13 at 04:09 PM.