Great post!

I have had the same problem as you. I have a regular group with old friends that I have known for 10-20 years (I am usually the DM). But with time, especially after the arrival of kids and time consuming jobs, I notice that the passion for really good roleplay has vanished. We still meet and have a good time, but its more just to see each other than to delve into character growth etc.

I knew that I wanted more out of my hobby, so I have now begun to play with two other groups with younger people. It has really been a good experience! In the year or so I have been a member of the groups there has been some substitutions, and things are different than I used to do them - and thats wonderful! I too was afraid of random idiots ruining the game, but if someone is a jerk - other people will see that too, and soon they are no longer part of the group.

Playing with new and younger players definately has changed my (gamer) life and the new creativity and energy has even spilled over to my original group, who now (maybe inspired by the tales of the other groups) actually play "better" now! :)

My advice is to seek new inspiration!