I have spent the last decade or so reading quite a lot of fanfiction (mostly Naruto, MLP: FiM, Harry Potter and Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha).

I don't think there's much in fanfiction that creeps me out specifically, on the basis that anythign that might contains stuff I would find objectianle rarely bypasses my initial quality filter - so aside from the obvious topics mentioned further back upthread, I don't really have much to add generally.

So then, for the sake of saying something a bit different, then, one specific thing that I creeps me out a bit (but I'm very slowly learning to tolerate) is shipping Discord (from Friendship is Magic). With, well, anyone really. It has, basically since he first appeared, always made me somewhat uncomfortable (on the basis of his apparent (arguable) mind-rape of the main characters (especially Fluttershy) in his first appearance. It just makes me intense uncomfortable - basiclly, I guess it boils down to the perception of the "abusive relationship" thing mentioned earlier.

As to fanfiction dislikes in general, I am generally not fond of crossovers (they have to work really hard to gain traction, though the standouts can be grand); self-inserts are another turn-off. As are alternate universes that basically completely change everything apart from the names (especially when it becomes "everyone is in high school" which is obtusely not common in Naruto). Also not fond of too dark or gritty or depressing, and I have a strong bias fro humour over drama if forced to have one or the other.

To address some problems specific to some of the fandoms, then:

In Naruto, I am not fond of the stories where he is hyper-competant (unless it is speficially for humour); the ones where simultaneously his character is changed so that he is not Naruto are the ones I fond most egregious. I find Naruto a likeable character because he's an idiot (occasionally a highly skilled, competant and canny idiot), but if he isn't occasionally doing something silly and daft, then he's not really Naruto to me. (Also (as I've vented before at length), don't knock the orange as silly if you're going it ignore the ineptitude in everyone's ELSE's lack of camouflage.)

MLP, I will skip basically anything that involves humans (exception made latterly for the world of the movies); there is also an oddly-specific subset of stories wherein "some person dresses up as a fictional character, ends up in Equestria with that persons powers."

I also am generally annoyed by "immortality is terrible, all your friends die" (something that is not infrequently shows up in MLP because of presence of the alicorn characters) because it strikes me that the authors are missing the point that that is something that will happen to one person of EVERY circle of friends and family; either you die young (and thsu inflict the pain on all your friends and family), or you will live long enough to out-live them. (As it usually tends to be more "how terrible it is to be me being all alone," something that tends to strike me (as an old fogey (in both mind and to a lesser degree body) as being something of a young person preception, perhaps from people who have not actualy really grasped what old age is. (I was so annoyed at one point, it actually drove me to write a story...) And ignores the fact that you can always make new friends.

Harry Potter and Nanoha principally boil down to the "don't pick on the good characters" thing. I like Ron and Yuuno, and it both annoys me and makes me cringe to see the flack they get (Ron especially, for no worse crime than Being A Normal Teenage Boy). Dumbledore too. He is all-too-often villified for not having waved his magic wand to literally make Harry's life perfect (at which point their would have been no story). Did the man handle the situation very poorly? In my opinion, yes, but his intentions were good at least. He certain is not More Evil Than Voldemort...

(That said, I have read some satire/parody stories that bashed a character hard but in a way that is was actually funny. There as one particualr involving Ron (I forget what it was called), but it was so utterly silly that it wcame out the other side. But that, of course, takes considerable talent to manage to pull off.)

I will have to admit, though, to not being totally averse to Snape-redemption stories. (Feel free to throw things.) I've read a couple of rather good ones, actually, with him developing a more or actual fatherly relationship with Harry. It's an interesting exploration to read; Snape I find is modestly plausible to be redeemed (unlike most of the other HP villains). (Though I definitely draw the line before SnapexHarry...)