Quote Originally Posted by MaxiDuRaritry View Post
If you learn it as a power, it's a power. That's kind of the whole point, and it's very clearly stated that you learn it as a power.

If reading comprehension isn't your thing, though, you could always purchase it from a StP erudite via psychic chirurgery before choosing the powers that go on your dominant ideal mantle. You know it as a power already, but that would allow you to add it onto the mantle to abuse at will with your ACFs.
Personal attacks are bad on this forum, and implying that anybody who doesn't agree with you lacks reading comprehension is a personal attack.

That said, the StP erudite just plain doesn't do what you want to make it do: its mere existence does not make every arcane spell into a power. May as well argue that the Magic Mantle's ability to treat magic as psi and psi as magic makes every single spell of any sort into a power, and every single power of any sort into a spell.

The fact that it requires a Spellcraft check to learn the spell as a power (never stating that the spell becomes a power) indicates the divide remains. Yes, your ardent absolutely can learn a spell as a power from an StP Erudite employing psychic chirurgery. That might even allow your specific Ardent to modify a mantle to include it. But that's a big "might," and it still is anything but guaranteed.