Quote Originally Posted by SZbNAhL View Post
Interesting that Caesar wants to avoid a regicide. It would put him on the throne without him having to go to the trouble of launching a messy coup, probably losing a few warlords, almost certainly losing Ben. It could be that he's lying, of course, but I'm pretty sure he would have told Bunny if he was planning something. He seems to trust her, from what I can tell.
No reason for Ceasar to lie when talking to himself. Simple fact is that even if he's not very fond of Don, he's no traitor. Don't forget that he and Don used to have a strong relationship before Don went all royalist. The decision to overthrow Don is not one that would come easily to him. He'd much rather try and get things back to the way they used to be, than to try something as radical as taking over.

But i think Parson might be the breaking point... The Pricey ransom alone would be worth A LOT to the ailing Transylvito; not to mention the possibilty that Parson might be willing to help them against their enemies. Logically it be rather crazy to refuse such an offer and Don most certainly would. The solution to all their side's problems falls right into their lap, and Don refuses? That just might break ceasar.