4th > 3rd/pf > 2nd ed > 5th ed

4th ed gives the best "adventurers doing adventurer things" experience, it could use some cleaning up, but the same can be said of all D&D editions and 4th ed does what I want from D&D the best and has the cleanest system to boot.

3rd/pf is probably the game i have have the most issues with but with the right group we can make it work and the game's options are it's strong suite

2nd is a mess, but a familiar one and does the weak/nobodies who strap up their boots and grab some old somewhat-sharp piece of metal and adventure. works for the more lethal games.

5th is probably the game i'm least familiar with but also the one i currently have the least amount of issues with. problem is, i don't have any motivation to learn more about the game. it's so... bland, so vanilla, so safe... and doesn't really do anything i want in particular that i don't already have. the game doesn't do anything to pique my interest.