Quote Originally Posted by The Glyphstone View Post
I'll bet that is exactly what he is doing, actually, since the original meaning of Tyrant was explicitly a champion of the underclass.
See, this is the type of teacher that would quickly drive me into a ticked off ragequit. He is one of those guys that can take everything you say and turn it into something wrong/bad. I realize thats probably a large point of this class, that literally nothing is "the right answer" or however you want to phrase it, but this sort of teaching method just irks the heck out of me.

It would be one thing if he say, wrote out a list of common schools of thought then showed how each one has its flaws, but instead is he intentionally personally attacking people over their beliefs, turning it from an exercise in rational thought into a personal battle where a student who cant possibly argue on par with someone who has likely made doing exactly this their lifes work finds themselves repeatedly wrong footed no matter what they say or do.

She had it right at the start. The man is a bully. It doesnt matter that this style of teaching does or does not work, he is teaching through bullying. Attacking everything she says, twisting it to make her wrong, and continually putting her on the spot. If this was a boxing match instead of verbal sparring, she would be a bantamweight desperately covering up in the corner while a heavy weight is unloading right hooks on her at a ferocious rate. And any time she tries to take a swing, he brushes it aside and lands another hammer blow to the torso. She stands no chance in this sort of conflict and he knows that. And he clearly is taking glee in every attempt to fight back she makes.