Lately, my half-orc fighter went to an elven city with a group of humans and a couple elves.

He was stopped partway into the forest... um... with a hail of arrows, for being a half-orc. From this, there was a long debate between the elven Paladin and the 'local elven captain of the guard' about my harm or lack thereof - we'd like to be able to deal with a world-problematic undead problem down south, which requires us to do things in this area in which all the characters are important.

At the same time, the elven nation had had trouble lately with orcs assaulting the area. The orc's latest assault was done with a unique form of magic which let them actually burn down a major chunk of their palace. This destroyed their king's ceremonial crown, and his ceremonial robes of the great Star God Correllon Larethian.

Anyway, my half-orc cheerfully agreed to remain in the jail cell for the duration of the stay, as the group was forced to wait pseudo-patiently for some elven sequence which I ICly didn't know about/understand, and thus kept myself out of it OOCly. Thus, he spent a week in the jail cell, weaponless by agreement, but the elves let him keep the remainder of his gear.

Thus, he did the skill he does best: Tailoring. That, and chatted for a bit with the two elven guards who 'guarded' his cell through showing up once in awhile to check the magical wards thereon. One of them hated him, the other his cross-class diplomacy shone through and he managed to learn a bit about the general ceremony, as he as going to get involved it in anyway.

Soo, the ceremony began, the traditions occured, everything was going to go ideally sans the royal traditional gear, and at the height of the ceremony... the half-orc, as he had practiced, stammered his lines in elvish. And not only elvish, but the elvish typically used by the lower class (Which tended to be anyone not an elf), thus making it even more accurate. And as he did so, he presented the robe, accepting the blame for his kind for the lack of the crown and offering an apology to Corellon larethian in the traditional fashion.

The stars were aligned, the natural spirits were appeased, and the addition to the ceremony gave the elves more power than they would have gotten normally (In... in some fashion. Remember, I still didn't and don't understand what the exact purpose of that ceremony was, just how I should've potentially acted there). As such, the king had no choice but to be at least mildly thankful for the excellently made very nice robe, which fit the ceremony well. It was of tremendously masterwork quality, and ideal.

...fear the Half-orc who single-handedly (pseudo)befriended an entire group of elves that originally hated him and who also managed to bypass what could have been a difficult encounter through the glorious power of Craft(Tailoring)!

He then also managed to fix the problems with the rampaging orcs through well placed violence and then, more importantly, another very skilled Craft(Tailoring) check series. But that required the DM to let the party wizard use Fabricate on skills I was crafting, and other slightly snarky things that resulted in being less cool than solving an entire encounter through a week of downtime and Craft(Tailoring). ^_^