Quote Originally Posted by igordragonian View Post
Can we start as a legendary dragons already?
I.. had an idea for a dragon for rulling a dwarf kingdom
You may. Though I would try and shoot for something that isn't too bombastic.

Quote Originally Posted by DJ Yung Crunk View Post
I don't mind being overshadowed. Being the little guy is an underrated role.

Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
Okay, maybe the elf-dragon inst the best choice.

Hmmm. I once had an idea for a rare type of dragon-their "true dragons" that have little to no magical ability, no natural breath weapon, ad their wings don't necessarily work right so they have troubles flying if they can at all. In terms of size they're between the size of dogs and about the size of a tall human, if they stood up on their hind legs.

They're rare because, being naturally so such weaker than other dragons, they're easily stamped out in conflict with other dragons. So, what's th e trade off? They can absorb the traits of things they eat-eat rocks and metals and their bones and scales become harder, eat the flesh of an animal that's known for strength, they get stronger, that kind of thing. Eat something bigger than they are, and they can make themselves grow.Eat a bird or other flyer, and the wings get stronger.

Eat the heart of a magical creature, they gain some of its magical powers or ones similar to it. Eat a magic item, get some of it's properties. Eat something enfused with elemental or magical energy, and then the dragon has a breath weapon.

There's two ways this could go-The first is that my example of this species is bitter over being so weak when other kinds of dragon are so strong and is deliberately hunting for things to eat so that he can become strong enough to "Show them, show them All! Muhahahahah!"... But I've kind of already done a character like that in another game(though he's grown out of it to a degree.)

The other option is I make it a full on Toriko reference with a dragon that's a master chef who thinks that cooking his meals just right will maximize the power he gets from the food.
A "Kirby" dragon sounds a little terrifying, actually. And not at all dragon-like. But an interesting idea nonetheless. The second sounds more like a Gordon Ramsey.