*SPOILER ALERT* I'm gonna mention somethings from the module 'The Red Hand of Doom' (RHOD) for those of you who are players in that campaign might want to skip my post.

First off, I've got the whole gambit of players (6 of them) in my group and it is very hard to balance the types of adventures to make sure everyone is having fun. With that said, you are spot on with the adventures being heavily objective based. The climax of RHOD is the Azure City like siege with the party having to handle a few different objectives to sway the outcome of the battle.

Here are a few scenarios from the module:
  • A group of Hill Giants are in range making attacks on the city walls ... the PCs must stop them.
  • A sniper has just assassinated a major NPC during the attack ... the PCs must locate and neutralize the assassin.
  • The walls have been breached and the PCs must hold a stretch of road until reinforcements arrive.
  • A red dragon is creating more chaos in the city than the guards can handle ... again, the PCs must help out.
  • The PCs must make a final stand on the stairs of a temple going up against the horde leader and his elite troops.
This final battle isn't the end, but definitely a memorable part of the campaign. The PCs must now go do a "dungeon crawl" of sorts to destroy the ultimate mastermind behind the attack before he summons an Aspect of Tiamat.

It's been a fun module to run for the PCs, unfortunately I killed two characters last session and one of them my wife's character. I was upset, I really was and paid for it later. Hehehe

Good luck to you Jade and like I said before, objective based vignettes / scenarios are the way to go.
