I don't know that I'd call it bragging, but I do have one past character who I really enjoyed playing.

He was a dwarven paladin of Clangeddin Silverbeard. He was irascible, cranky, and overall a grouch. He was constantly verbally sparring with the party's smart-aleck mage, but had a soft spot in his heart for him and the rest of the party. He wasn't your typical stick-in-the-mud Lawful Stupid paladin -- he followed a code of honor, yes, but it was always tempered with common sense.

He was my first 3.0 character, and I ran him from 1st to 11th level. He very much became the conscience of the party and I was sad to see him go. (Long story short: a red dragon took out about half the party and Theo found out that his fire-resistant armor wouldn't absorb quite that much heat. End result: dwarf-sized smudge on the floor.)