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    Titan in the Playground
    Lord Raziere's Avatar

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    Mar 2010

    Default Re: [Gauging Interest] Dragons, Dragons Everywhere! Redux

    Ok, lets just get this sheet done then:

    Spoiler: Zarakkan
    Name: Zarakkan
    Gender: Fluid, but probably male
    Body: standard but slim
    Head: Smooth
    Horns:long horns
    Claws: sharp like razors
    Scale Color: blue
    Size: His size is about one of a particularly large car, but he is lean
    Body length: probably on the long side
    Wings: Yes he can fly with leathery wgins
    Tail: Long, and while it doesn't naturally have a spike, he has a tail-spike tech attchment
    Breath: He breathes steam.
    Additional modifications: His front claws are human-like enough to build any tools a mad inventor can

    Detailed description:
    Zarakkan is a lean blue dragon with red eyes. He has two horns growing out of the back of his head, front claws with which he can build stuff, back legs for standing, and he has a harness with a gem on his back for technomagical defensive purposes. He wears goggles on his head and a power claw on his right claw.

    Zarakkan is eccentric to say the least. He loves talking about magitech and has a manic genius when it comes to solving problems with it. He will go off tangents about things he remembers from his travels, an has a certain duality of fire and ice to him, bouncing back and forth between passion and logic and often intermixing the two for his science, and he truly believes in individualistic expression and despite the darkness of his life he doesn't let stuff get to him.

    -Has an Archenemy, known as Kirnarraz, a black dragon who equals his genius at magitech but does not have Zarakkan's morals

    He grew up under parents that had opposite personalities. One was his mother, Enshana who was calm, caring, compassionate and patient, teaching an educating him. The other was his father Zarnassil who was brutal, bullying, abusive, quick-tempered and darwinistic. Zarakkan loved his mother far more than his father, and soon in an argument Enshana was killed by Zarnassil, and Zarakkan in revenge crafted a weapon to kill Zarnassil and succeeded. He then left his parents lair behind after burying his mother, not wanting to stay in such a sorrowful place

    He then traveled through the nations and learned how to make magitech, growing up on his own wits and ingenuity. However he was soon attacked by dragon slayers and he had to learn to fight against them, using any tactic he can to get away and fight on his terms. He soon met Kirnarraz, another dragon hunted by them and together they defeated this band of dragon slayers by working together. They soon discovered they shared a common interest in magitech.

    But soon Kirnarraz grew jealous of Zarakkan's genius and wanted to outdo him. He built a monstrous machine to kill Zarakkan to prove his magitech was greater and Zarakkan was appalled by his lack of morality, and in the ensuing fight Zarakkan blew up the machine and defeated Kirnarraz, but Kirnarraz survived. In fact over Zarakkan's life he would attack twice more, each time Zarakkan defeating him, but Zarakkan losing whatever base or workshop he had managed to set up in that time and thus forcing him to start over from scratch, all Zarakkan knows is that Kirnarraz has annoying tendency to not die.

    However Zarakkan doesn't give up so easily, and now sets out to build more magitech, to establish another laboratory, and begin inventing, and hopefully making something interesting happen, maybe help people along the way! His age um....hm, well is at the very least considered an adult dragon by now and has seen enough to be worldly and knowledgeable about the world.

    A 10 would be considered average amongst dragonkind. 20 would be considered first-rate. 30 means you’re probably the best in the world at this. Rate yourself accordingly.
    Strength: 5
    Agility: 17
    Intelligence: 25
    Wisdom: 9
    Toughness: 9
    Charisma: 18

    Unless stated otherwise, you can leave these out. Your resident storyteller will assign them based on your backstory. Rate on a scale of -10 to 10.

    Steam Breath Attack:
    Can fire a really hot jet of steam at his foes. This can burn people, so don't think its harmless.

    Steam Breath Cloaking:
    Can fire his steam breath at the ground instead to cause a smokescreen so that he can escape from a fight

    Magitech Harness:
    Wears a harness around himself that manipulates light. It was two functions: the first is to turn him invisible at his command, and the second is to fire lightning from the gem placed on top of his back and set into the harness on both his command and to automatically blast it any fool who dares to attack from behind or jump on his back, as a defensive measure

    Tail Spike Weapon:
    Has put a chainsaw tail spike weapon his tail to make sure anyone who approaches from behind gets a stabbing. with a tail chainsaw.

    Power Claw:
    A steampunk glove-claw that fits on his right claw. Really packs a punch, and is what he used to kill his father with.

    They do nothing. Currently.

    High Temperature Resistance:
    Can withstand incredibly high temperatures that humans cannot

    He can breath under water indefinitely

    though to be honest, 25 for Int is a conservative estimate for Zarakkan, he could easily be 30 with the level of inventiveness, but no matter what he is like a mad inventor, he is at Spark-levels of mad science so....really high intelligence.
    Last edited by Lord Raziere; 2016-04-17 at 11:08 AM.
    I'm also on discord as "raziere".