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Thread: Paladins, How to fix/are fixes needed

  1. - Top - End - #42
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2015
    Somewhere nice.

    Post Re: Paladins, How to fix/are fixes needed

    Paladins as a prestige class? Are you kidding me?
    I think, perhaps, that this thread has become just another pit of zeitgeist.

    I'm sorry, but I cannot go on like this.
    You want to know what a paladin is?
    Here's a hint: It's not just another magical knight class in an rpg game,
    and it's not an attempt at power, or a "prestige class", of all things!

    Have we forgotten the value of morality?
    of ethics, and just how far they can take you?
    I mean, look at the stories on google images, for pity's sake.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this,
    and I apologize for the seemingly random nature of this post.
    Have a nice day today!
    And if it isn't one, see what you can do to change that!
    Last edited by IntelectPaladin; 2016-04-27 at 05:56 PM.