Oh no! I've been found! "Normal? Well no. I am a special model. My creator very much wanted his own golem, and refused to buy o..." A sound seemed to originate from his shoulder , virrrrrrrr st st st st plop, accompanied by blue smoke. "...e-made. Instead he made me from scratch." How can I spin my story to make it believable! "I believe the process took some time. In t..." wheeewheeewheeewheee faded in and then out rapidly. "...d he must of been upset with his work since the product was not worth the cost. At least" wheeewheeewheeewheee faded in and then out rapidly. "that's what I was told on at least one occasion." Maybe if I keep talking he'll get bored. "My deal? I fail to understand the question, I am currently..." A cascade of fireworks without noise seemed to explode all about veil. "...not for sale if that is your meaning. Mistress Rosalind has expressed on more than one occasion how invaluable it is to have one such as myself available to her at all hours. My considerably smaller frame is great for close quarters such as these, and while my strength is dimini..." random sounds coalesced together seeming to leap from place to place, at first making those around veil think they heard 'If you build it, he will come' but upon further reflection realizing it was just random noises. "...rom that of other golems, I do not tire and can therefore help with the patients when needed even when mortals are worn out. Additionally I have been able to restock Mistress Rosalind's supplies during the night hours when most are resting. This allows her more qualifie..." A whisper of sound, wawawawa, seemed to suddenly rotate about veil before going silent. "...taff to treat the sick and not worry about their supplies. I do not work with Mistress Rosalind, at least not in the conventional sense. Not like how you work for your captain. I have no need for money, nor does Mistress Rosalind have the extra funds to pay me if that was her desire."

Spoiler: OOC
Veil is not too familiar with the concept of lieing, having had little opportunity to practice during his time spent with Rosalind. Instead he tries to tell only the truth while giving an answer and let others assume his answer.