Quote Originally Posted by Sir cryosin View Post
I would like a blaster caster and I was thinking about a dragon sorcerer with a dip in warlock. How can I fluff this and what is the best way to build this character.
What pact were you thinking? It would be rather easy to re-fluff the pacts as with a draconic ancestor.

Fiend: A chromatic dragon, probably Red. Alternatively, you could pull this off with either a bronze or a gold dragon heritage.

Fey: I would say a silver, brass, or copper heritage would be nice for this.

Undying: Dracolich! You have the sorcerous heritage of his normal form, but your warlock powers come from his dark choice.

GOO: Shadow Dragon. Your ancestor reached beyond normal bounds into the Shadowfell and was transformed by it, becoming a strange creature, but wise and powerful. Can be any color and chromatics would be the most straightforward, but Shadow metallics are much more fun. The idea of a Good dragon whose mind has been twisted so he is misguided seems like a great plot hook.

The Shadow Dragon GOOlock seems the most fun to me! It also allows for the most chances to interact directly with the PC and party. The others are kind of hard to hide, but shadow dragons get several bonuses that make them much better at stealth than their compatriots.

Bonus action to Hide and Stealth proficiency doubling means an Ancient will have a +14 to hide at the least, and metallics can blend as a humanoid or beast. Put it together and you have a patron who can literally be anyone from that strongman across the way to the squirrel chittering on the branch above your head.