Toying around with the possibility of a 2nd character. That's probably my limit for the foreseeable future. I'd like to make someone/thing that fits well, but does also bring something new/fresh in, and gives opportunities for everyone, or at least many characters, to have fun.
Bit tired at this point, so I'm just going to list out thoughts and ideas. Open to thoughts, and being "shot down" by Selinia and/or strawberryman.

-Full-body cyborg (like Gomes) who uses very visually appealing bodies (not as much like Gomes), with his "regular human size" body being like a living metal statue (styling might be reminiscient of an Alchemical Exalted). Larger sizes might resemble Transformers?
-An AI with a robot body, trying to learn what it means to be human.
-Some sort of backstory, be it "early mashou" or "early SCIENCE" experiment that results in totally-not-Captain America. Totally not.
-I'm open to playing a mashou-type character, but it'd be a dude, and probably more late teens, or even early-20's, physical-age-wise. The main problem is I don't have a solid idea on what he'd actually do or have as his special power(s).