Quote Originally Posted by strawberryman View Post
Why not combine the latter two? Mashou Captain America, why not.
Sure, sure. Hm....Bear in mind I'm mainly familiar with this setting 2ndhand, by way of wikis and the like. I'm loving this game because of the world being developed in front of us, combined with the storytelling Selinia, yourself, and the others here are doing.
With that said...

1.) How far back can we go with a mashou, if instead of "grizzled veteran of the war", we just embrace the Cap side of things and say "got stuck in ice/rock/negative space wedgie for a long time"?
2.) Can the transition into a Mashou be used as an excuse for going from "skinny, sickly man" to "muscled specimen of peak humanity", even outside of the "battle transformation"?
3.) Beyond "shield as a weapon", I'm unsure what powers are both in-theme, and not sever overlap. My brain keeps defaulting to, essentially, Paladin-esque powers...but that's basically "healing, buffing, and protective magic", which is almost entirely Rio's warehouse. Open to suggestions here.
4.) What country would folks prefer he be from? I can just go whole-hog and make him American but I don't want to potentially step on toes. Though I'm not sure what other country could produce the sort of unconscious "nexus" of concepts that leads to a "Captain *Country*" sort of guy.
5.) How complicated can the wording of the wish get? A couple sentences? 3-4? I'm not talking a book or anything, but something beyond just "help everyone here!".