Quote Originally Posted by strawberryman View Post
@KD: Thinking about it, I can at least answer part 1 of that, why not just go with him being a recent contractee instead? Is the "frozen in time" bit all that important, I guess? I don't really know the comics that well, but I suppose that is kind of part of the base character, but I figure it's not all-encompassing.

I don't really mind overlap with Rio if he has some generic buffs compared to her focused ones. Given she's the cleric to his paladin in that sense.

As for country, don't really mind any way. The interesting question is why he'd be in Japan, I suppose. And what possible political ramifications there would be, which would be better answered by Sel.

As far as I can tell, wishes can be complex or simple as the wisher feels like, but they will follow the intent regardless of specific wording, such that nobody gets evil-Djinn'd out of their wish.
I can probably skip the "frozen in time" thing; especially if he's not from the US. It's certainly not the core of the character. His idealism, goodness, and determination are.

Hm. As far as power overlap...what if he can heal but has to have physical contact, and his is more focused on "you don't feel tired, afraid, confused, *insert Status Effect here*"? As I recall from other conversations, her buffs can get super-potent, but they're personalized, and she has to know the person pretty well for much potency to happen. This would be more of an AOE buff to anyone he doesn't consciously/semi-consciously (in the "I'm very aware of the battlefield and can evaluate Friend Or Foe quickly" sense) consider an Enemy.

He would have a physical shield as a weapon, could throw it (ALL THOSE WHO OPPOSE MUST YIELD!), and maybe it can create larger "energy shields" for periods, to protect wider areas than just himself.

Country...well, if he's not time-tossed, but instead really a 20ish guy who made a wish and got SWOLE, then I suppose Japan could work? Might even make him a sort of protaganist/antagonist, have him working with the JSDF, not because "MWAHAHA MUH CONTROL", but because "they defend the nation, and who doesn't want to defend their home?". He might be a touch naive, but this guy would absolutely be the sort to stand around and give idealistic speeches that not only would he believe in, but he might make other people believe in, too.
It's easiest, to me, to blatantly rip off Marvel's speeches about the American Dream, but this game is set in Japan so I also recognize that the sentiments could feel odd. But someone who believes that Japan Can Be Better (because it's not perfect, what country is?), maybe that could work.

As for his wish it's more just that it'd be a longer, flowery, noble-ideals sort of thing. That's all. Not worried about being wish-corrupted here.