Spoiler: Spectators
A Traveler's Guide to The Moroccan Institute of Trade

Many years have passed since our previous version of the MIT handbook. In that time, Traveler's Rest has grown into a bustling center for trade. Within a few years, we hope to establish a retreat high in the mountains that will bolster our internal trade.

Mountain Prime continues to be a center for the temples of Syrinx. We believe that in time the priests will truly share all the gifts of life with the world.

Our southernmost outpost established by the MOB continues its growth. Once we have established it as a secure outpost, we hope to begin trade with the Americans and Mayans from here.

One of our three newest outposts, this naval base will hopefully supply the MIT with goods from across the seas. Unfortunately, with the late unpleasantness between China and Austria, we are not sure when it will be safe to launch our trading vessels.

Here we have a valuable trading port along the inner sea. Although there is no outlet for this sea, we believe we can access American ports if we so desire. Eventually, this should become a valuable outpost to the MIT.

Finally, we have our newest outpost, established only a few years ago. This outpost serves a more strategic positioning to allow us access to Mt. Secunde in addition to a close trading outpost with the Ethiopians.

Currently, relations with both the Huns and Ethiopians are warm. We hope to eventually establish a sea based trading route with the victor of the Austro-Chinese war.