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Thread: [EMPIRE 2] IC Thread

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    DimpleLoamsdown's Avatar

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    May 2015

    Default Re: [EMPIRE 2] IC Thread

    The Greater Independent Holy Autocratic Multi Terrainial Southeastern Larimp Queendom of
    Regions: 460B, 460A, 461B, 481B, 481A
    Spoiler: Actions

    Katrola, a very militaristic Hive Princess offers to the Transfirlians to work for them, as their military, while Jagalata is a Transfirlian Vassal.
    Spoiler: Military Actions
    •Raise 1 military unit (2000 Larimp Soldiers) [Military]
    •Raise 1 military unit (2000 Larimp Soldiers) [Military]
    •Raise 1 military unit (2000 Larimp Soldiers) [Military]
    •Raise 1 military unit (2000 Larimp Soldiers) [Military]

    •Investigate to find the person who placed the Artefact that was placed into the hands of Queen Thada [Curiosity]
    •Katrola informs the Transfirlians that she reluctantly accepts the offer of vassalage, but her people will require convincing. She attempts to reason with the Transfirlians by explaining that if the regions were to be forced under Transfirlian rule, they would likely become unrest, or rebel against Transfirlian rule. For that reason, the Larimps suggest that Katrola should keep the regions under her own control for a few years more, in order to prepare her people for the Transfirlian rule. [Diplomacy]

    Spoiler: Rolls

    Spoiler: News and Rumors

    Princess Katrola III is enraged that anyone would dare to invade her own lands, and in an attempt to further embarrass her, they would go as far as taking her mother hostage, although she is not stupid. She will accept vassalage, although she will do so reluctantly and ask for a few more years to prepare her people for the Transfirlian rule.

    Quote Originally Posted by DimpleLoamsdown
    Quote Originally Posted by QuintonBeck
    Princess Katrola III,

    Either you fail to understand your position or merely place far more confidence in your single cohort of warriors than either myself or any of my commanding generals do. You will turn over Gharubharade and Kabaze to my kingdom immediately alongside your acceptance of vassalage or they shall be taken from you alongside your capital. This is not a negotiation greyskin. If you wish to see your mother alive and peace in your time you will accept the terms given to you or you will suffer.

    Queen Yildiz vel Enas

    Queen Yildiz vel Enas of Transfirlia,

    I believe that you fail to understand. You may be far more powerful than I am when it comes to our militaries, but we are almost equally diplomatic. I suggest that if I were to spend the next few years preparing my people for your vassalage, you should have organized a great kingdom that I would be capable of vassalizing my people under. At that point, I would gift to your kingdom, my provinces Gharabhurade and Kabaze. By that point, they would be completely prepared for your leadership. If you cannot prove yourself to be fit to lead my people and rule over myself as my Liege, we will not accept your leadership. I believe that you have spent enough time with your military, and as your vassal, I will protect your kingdom with my own military, so that you can spend more time being diplomatic without the need to worry about your armies. I have a lot of space to improve my own military while you have none. I wish to see my mother alive, but it would be unfortunate for you and your kingdom if she was killed unjustly. If my mother is killed unjustly, I will call upon the Aeldir Lords and Ladies to see to it that your broken oath will be dealt with properly, or I will call upon another form of strength to see to it that you suffer. I will deem my mother’s death unjust, if you kill her because I did not hand over my provinces before I believed that they were ready for your leadership, or if I retain my Great Queendom in order to maximise my preparation for your vassalization of Jagalata. Once you have created a great kingdom worthy of becoming my liege, I will happily hand myself over to become your vassal, along with Gharabhurade and Kabaze. I will not hand myself over to you as vassal if you do not call off your attacks on Gharabhurade and Kabaze.

    On a side note, why should we even become vassal and liege? If we work together, we could become a powerful Empire, and rule over the southeastern globe. Finally, please forgive my mother for her actions against your people. I promise that if you do not kill her, we will never attempt to unjustly steal your land again. Forgive us and permit our alliance to become a powerful world power, with the fastest rate of growth ever seen in Arandi. Please take into consideration my requests and demands, and remember that together we have the capability to conquer the world.

    Signed, Princess Katrola III, a Larimp Queen, begging for forgiveness and mercy for her mother’s past actions.

    Spoiler: Ruler Information

    Princess Katrola III

    Religion: Doctrine of the Nine Candles
    Diplomacy: 5
    Military: 4
    Curiosity: 4
    Faith: 2
    Luck: 8

    Expected Stat boosts: +2 Military

    Previous Posts: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
    Last edited by DimpleLoamsdown; 2016-07-09 at 09:24 PM.

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