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Thread: Xorian Wars: Alliance and Rebellion

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Anxe's Avatar

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    Jul 2005
    Davis, California

    Default Re: Xorian Wars: Alliance and Rebellion

    Alliance Session #53/Total Session #69
    This session was attended by Salzar, Ozymandias, Throgg, Middle_Snu, and Zigfried. We used Roll20 as a virtual tabletop and Skype for voice and video. Eathirilu was dead for most of this session so Ozymandias played Tagenadi in thewamp’s absence.

    When we last left them, our heroes had faced off against the Dragovinian elite of Greshendale. While many of the Dragovinians were slain, the forces of justice did not emerge unscathed. Eathirilu the dinosaur druid perished in the fighting and Amalius the telepath succumbed to his wounds before help could arrive.
    Upon fleeing, Zelus had taken Eathirilu to the demigod’s temple on Mount Olympus. Hektor and Tagenadi took Amalius and met with Danar in Lakatia. Danar had stayed behind from the previous adventure to research his family's current position in the world. Feeling exposed even at their home base, Hektor went inside his keep and cast a magnificent mansion to take shelter in. After inviting Tagenadi and Danar in, Hektor spoke to his castellan, Bart, “We'll be in here for a few minutes or maybe a whole day. See that we aren't disturbed.”
    “Of course, my lord.”
    Hektor, Danar, and Tagenadi spoke within the mansion. Amalius would need resurrection. They decided the best person to ask about that was the Bjorn in Dalleer due to his quasi-master/apprentice relationship with Amalius. Meanwhile on Mount Olympus, Zelus had come to a similar conclusion for bringing Eathirilu back. The particulars of bringing a person back from the realm of Hades required certain rituals that even Zelus could not perform. He needed a priest and Dalleer’s Cathedral seemed like the best place.
    After resting for a bit the party reemerged from the magnificent mansion, not to the lovely coastal village of Lakatia as they’d expected, but a blazing inferno! Lakatia’s keep was in flames all around them! Coughing in the smoke, Hektor struggled to figure out what was going on. Danar and Tagenadi heard a sharp voice from the keep’s main gates, “There they are!”
    Tagenadi turned to Hektor, “Get us out of here now!”
    Hektor spoke the magic words as Jevaninada, Darudanano, and Wu strode into the keep. Wu nocked an arrow to his bow, but the teleportation magic whisked the party away before the missile could fly.
    Hektor and Co. arrived outside of the Bjorn’s burned out palace (See Alliance Session #31/Total Session #42 for why the palace is burned!). Unsure where the Bjorn was while his house was being rebuilt the party went to the city’s administrative center, the jail, hoping to find the Bjorn there. When they arrived they were escorted to a large open room filled with administrative desks. Hektor, Danar, and Amalius’s psicrystal Merlot introduced themselves as friends of the Bjorn. Tagenadi kept himself invisible with the Cap of Hades and held Amalius’s body in his portable hole.
    The portly sheriff replied, “Yes you have the look of his friends… Unfortunately the Bjorn is indisposed at the moment.”
    Hektor said, “Indisposed? It's a matter of some urgency. Surely the Bjorn can be found.”
    Hektor exploded with anger, “Dammit man! We don't have time for this! I've just come from a battle with the Dragovinians, one of my friends is dead, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance! You speak of urgency?!? My every action is urgent! Now where is the Bjorn?”
    The sheriff backed up with his palms out, “Keep your shirt on! It's my job to ask questions for the Bjorn’s safety is all.”
    Merlot said, “Take us to the Bjorn! We need him to bring my master back to life!”
    “A talking rock? Now I know you must be the Bjorn’s friends. Jensen will take you to him.” The sheriff indicated one of the guards in the room.

    Jensen led the group through the streets of Dalleer. Passing info the seedier part of town the observant party members realized they were entering the red light district.
    Merlot approached their guide, “So… Uhm… How's the Bjorn’s marriage going?”
    “It's not my place to say,” the guard said before adding, “Mr. Rock, sir.”
    “Mr. Merlot is fine.”
    “As you say, Mr. Merlot.”
    Jensen stopped in front of a house of pleasure with a lewd sign depicting a carnal act. The establishment’s name was written above the door in bright pink letters on a yellow background, “The Slap and Tickle.”
    Jensen said, “He's in there, my lords.”
    “Thank you, Jensen. That will be all.” Hektor handed the guard two gold pieces and dismissed him. Jensen walked happily back towards the jail, perhaps detouring on his way to enjoy one of the local businesses.
    The party entered the Slap and Tickle, Tagenadi still invisible and Merlot still a floating wine colored sphere. The entrance room was a large lobby with a few doors at the back and a staircase leading upstairs. A large desk sat at the side of the room. Prostitutes lounged on chairs, pillows, and couches throughout the room. They advertised their favors out entertained patrons interested in more casual company. A few men and women walked around offering drinks and mint crackers. At the desk the madam rose from her chair. She wore a thick burgundy colored dress and gold jewelry. She approached our heroes and asked them, “What can I do for you find gentlemen? We cater to all tastes and creeds here at the Slap and Tickle.”
    Hektor took the scene and the perfume scents of flowers and almonds before replying, “We want, that is to say, we need to see the Bjorn.”
    “Then you're not interested in our girls or boys?”
    “No, not at this time. We know the Bjorn is here. We just want to talk to him.”
    “We need the Bjorn!” piped up Merlot.
    “Our clientele are private, sir, as I'm sure you understand. I can't tell you if the Bjorn is here or not.”
    “Bring us to the Bjorn!” said Merlot.
    “Isn't there something you can do?” asked Hektor.
    “I'm afraid not, sir.”
    Danar eyed the staircase. Two burly, bare-chested harem guards stood at the base of the stairs. They were so far beneath Danar's level of expertise that he had not even noted then previously. Could he get past them? Definitely. Could he do it without causing a scene? Probably not. Danar's skill suite wasn't exactly subtle. Hektor felt much the same.
    Merlot did not share the other two’s reservations. “We must save Amalius! I'll find the Bjorn!” The psicrystal flitted forward past the guards and up the stairs shouting, “Bjorn! Bjorn! It's Merlot! Help! Bjorn!”
    The madam gasped in shock. She clutched her necklace, reflexively straightening the pendant to calm herself. “Boring! Alfonso!” she shouted at the two guards, “Go catch that thing! Don't let it into any of the guests’ rooms!”
    “Yes madam,” the two said in unison before stomping up the stairs. A few of the prostitutes followed to watch the show.
    The Madam turned to the party with pursed lips, “You'll need to wait outside, sirs. Once your…pet... has been caught it will be returned to you.”
    “Yes madam. I understand. The two of us will leave,” Hektor emphasized the two, hoping that Tagenadi would take his meaning and stay to discover where the Bjorn was and hopefully recover Merlot as well.
    Upstairs Merlot had not found the Bjorn, partially because he could not open doors, only scream, “Bjorn! Where are you? It's Merlot! Amalius’s psicrystal!”
    The guards attempted to catch Merlot with their hands. They didn't succeed, but they forced the psicrystal to the end of a windowed hallway. Merlot drew in a psionic breath and plunged at the window, breaking it to escape. The little rock only exited the building for a short time. He circled around, found another window, and broke back into the Slap and Tickle. Hearing the crash the guards ran to the other side of the building. This time they came armed with a blanket. Merlot bobbed and weaved, evading the first toss of the covering. “Bjorn! Bjorn! Help! Bjorn! Help me!”
    Merlot raced away from the guards, but another pair met him in front of a lounge area at the end of a hallway. They netted Merlot within a blanket. Merlot wriggled against the scratchy material and broke free. “Bjorn! HAAAAALLLLPPPP!!!” Merlot knocked over a vase and ran past doorways opened to the guest rooms where Johns, Janes, and prostitutes watched the spectacle.
    The Bjorn poked his head out from one of the rooms, “Merlot, is that you?”
    “Bjorn! Oh I found you!”
    The guards rushed up and prepared to net the psicrystal with a blanket once more. The Bjorn stopped them with a hand, “It’s alright. He’s with me. I’ll pay for any damages he’s caused.”
    “Errr… Yes sir,” said one of the guards.
    “Come on in, Merlot. What’s troubling you?”
    Merlot entered the room and saw that the Bjorn had been hiding his naked body behind the door. The room was well-furnished and dark curtains covered a large window on the opposite wall. A large bed dominated the room, obviously. Sitting up under the bed’s covers was not a prostitute, but the Bjorn’s wife, Cassandra, daughter of Astyanax. She was naked as well except for a feathered mask on her face.
    “Bjorniiieeee…” Cassandra called.
    “Just a minute sweetie. I’ll finish this business and then I’ll finish you.”
    “Ugh. Fine,” Cassandra flopped back against the pillows and bent her knees under the blankets.
    “What’s wrong?” the Bjorn asked Merlot, “Where’s Amalius?”
    “He’s dead. We need your help to resurrect him. Everyone is waiting outside because the madam doesn’t like us.”
    “I see. Why don’t you go wait with them. Tell them I’ll be down in a few minutes.”
    “Okay. You promise?”
    “Yes, I promise,” The Bjorn said as he pulled his leather gloves back on. Merlot left as he saw the Bjorn reaching for a potato on the nightstand. Tagenadi left the building behind Merlot.

    The Bjorn met Merlot, Hektor, and Danar outside wearing his full regalia. “Good to see you all again, even though I wish it were under better circumstances. You have Amalius with you?”
    “Yes,” said Danar. “He’s in a portable hole that Tagenadi is carrying.”
    “And where is Tagenadi?”
    Tagenadi took the Cap of Hades off for a moment appearing beside the party in the street. “I am here, but I’ll be staying invisible for the time being.” Tagenadi donned the Cap once more.
    “Let's head to the Cathedral then. I could use a wind-down stroll after my workout,” said the Bjorn.
    The group walked through the city chatting and were within sight of the Cathedral within a few minutes. Unfortunately, when it rains it pours.
    As the group approached the columned entrance to the Cathedral, who should step out from behind the columns but Jevaninada, Darudanano, and Wu?
    Wu shot Hektor in the chest with a volley of arrows.

    Spoiler: Large Image

    Hektor passed out, activating his contingent teleport spell to the shrine in Lakatia. A shrine that was on fire when he last saw it.
    Danar put himself between the Dragovinians and the Bjorn. He wouldn't have lasted long if not for happy circumstance. Zelus had come to the Dalleer Cathedral to resurrect Eathirilu. Hearing the commotion outside, the demigod flew to the entrance. After appraising the situation, Zelus channeled positive energy into Danar, healing the cuts and scrapes on his body.
    Daru and Jev advanced on the party. The healing Zelus had done for Danar was quickly undone by few swipes from Jev's sword. Realizing that they were outmatched, Tagenadi grabbed Danar and teleported away.
    Merlot distracted Wu by shouting, “How did it feel Wu? When I killed you wife?” Wu chased the floating orb into the temple.
    The Bjorn was left to fight Daru and Jev with only Zelus to help. He tried to assault their mental defenses by failed. They both laid into him. Zelus was sure the Bjorn’s weak mortal body would succumb to the attacks, but instead bright flashes of psionic energy absorbed all damage. Zelus frowned, not recognizing any spell at work, only raw magic.
    Still, without any reasonable offensive strategy, the Bjorn retreated. His body melted away, becoming just another shadow beneath the Cathedral’s columns. Zelus picked up Eathirilu’s body and escaped as well.
    What of Merlot? Wu cornered him and captured the orb within the Cathedral.

    Tagenadi and Danar arrived at Crux. Tagenadi kept his wits about him enough to think of other places that might possess the means and motivation to resurrect Amalius. He thought of Vecna, the ancient lich who had offered her considerable magical talents to Tagenadi in the past for the small price of an unconditional favor in the future. The price was too steep back then, but for a friend’s life? Tagenadi would take whatever bargain he needed to.
    Tagenadi and Danar popped into existence just outside of Vecna’s hut at the base of the Silver Tower that oversaw all activity in Crux. The city was on the move westward, going from Shalerton to Phoenix. Skeletons and zombies picked up whole buildings and moved them, going back to get the other shops and houses on a block. Through this process the city had come south to Shalerton and now westward towards the captive city of guilds.
    After catching their breaths, Tagenadi and Danar headed inside the hut. Dozens of candles lit the space that was larger on the inside than it appeared on the outside. Vecna sat behind a long table with various occult objects strewn across its surface. She gestured with her withered skeletal hand at the stools in front of the table, “Please. Sit.”
    “Hello Vecna,” said Tagenadi. “We come here for your help. We need you to-”
    “Yes I know dearie. You want me to bring your little friend back to life. Do you want him like he was you and me?”
    “Like he was!” Danar interjected.
    “Of course. How silly of me. And who is this fine friend you’ve brought, Tagenadi? He looks...scrumptuous…” If Vecna still had a tongue and lips she undoubtedly would have licked them.
    “I am Danar, once King of Sheerzen and Defeater of the Dragons.”
    “Oh! That Danar! Oh my! Well I’m afraid I’m a bit underdressed. Nothing but skin and bones on me!” Vecna cackled at her own joke. Danar and Tagenadi looked at each other unamused (Fortunately the players were very amused!).
    “That’s… just fine, Vecna,” said Tagenadi, “but we need you to resurrect Amalius.”
    “Always straight to business. Yes. Yes. I could raise your friend, but there’s the matter of the cost.”
    “We can pay you.”
    “Pay me? With gold? I have all the gold and wealth I want. But I don’t get to have fun anymore.”
    “What do you want?” asked Tagenadi.
    “Let’s see… Let me think… Ah! I have it! I want you, Danar, to take me out for a romantic evening.”
    Danar sputtered, “I, uh, what?”
    “Yes. Wine and dine me. Woo me. Treat me like a lady. An oh-so-fine lady!”
    “But. But I’m not dressed for it?”
    “Neither am I! How about you pick me up at the next full moon?”
    “I…” Danar looked at Tagenadi. His uncertainty turned to resolve. “I’ll do it. But you must bring back Amalius today.”
    “Of course! Wouldn’t dream of it any other way.” Vecna’s hand took Danar’s from where it rested upon the table. She stroked his hand with the stump of her left arm. “You have the body I presume?” Vecna asked.
    “Yes,” said Tagenadi. He retrieved the corpse from his portable hole.
    “Just put it on the table over here,” Vecna indicated another table in the hut. “I’ll go fetch the necessary reagents.”
    Vecna left and returned to perform the spell. She anointed the body with special oils and placed gems and herbs around Amalius’s head. After she chanted for what felt like an hour, color returned to the psion’s cheeks. Amalius gasped and took breath once more!
    After filling Amalius in on the situation the group decided to teleport back to Lakatia and see what remained. Vecna waved them goodbye with her stump and blew a kiss to Danar. He thought she might’ve winked, but it was hard to tell since she only had the one eye.

    Tagenadi, Danar, and Amalius came to Lakatia and saw the flames still burning. Hektor was directing a bucket brigade. While they had resurrected Amalius, Hektor had materialized within the burning temple of Lakatia. Fortunately, one of the priest’s noticed and dragged Hektor out to safety and restored his vigor with positive energy. Hektor shouted at the party to help. Amalius told everyone to get clear. After the bucket brigade backed off, Amalius hit the fire with several cold energy waves. The flames quickly guttered out as their fuel froze and ice covered the burned keep.
    “Damn it!” shouted Hektor. “The library was half destroyed! All those books we’d taken from the Bane and Bavastatner! Who knows what knowledge was lost?” Hektor sighed and turned to the party, “I’m glad you’re alright though.”
    The party desperately wanted to rest and regroup with Zelus, but Hektor convinced them otherwise. “We need to warn the Alliance what’s happened. With Greshendale destroyed the Xorians might retaliate against an Alliance city.”
    Amalius said, “Let’s go to Jipangu. We might get a more friendly reception there than Bradel Fields.”
    The party popped off to the western gates of Jipangu. Dust rose west of the city as the new Alliance recruits trained for war. Guards stood beside the entrance. A few of them recognized the party and clutched their weapons. Amalius glared at them, daring them to act, as the party walked through the gates. Amalius and Tagenadi had been banned from the city for their associations with Amalgami the Betrayer and the undead respectively.
    As they went along the streets of Jipangu the party noticed they were being tailed by several dozen guards. “Where are we headed?” asked Hektor.
    “To the First Family’s house,” answered Amalius, “but I don’t think it matters. They’ll come to us first.”
    Soon enough guards surrounded the party preventing peaceful progress forward. Stepping through the curtain of spears came an officer. Amalius recognized the man, “Yukaro,” said Amalius.
    “Amalius,” said Yukaro. The man was dressed in armor and wore the traditional wide spreading pants of Jipangu. Two swords hung from his belt. Above his thin face a purple and red striped headband stretched across his forehead. The symbol and sigil of the First Family of Jipangu adorned the front of the headband. Yukaro was the grandson of Arendil and the recently divorced husband of Amalius’s sister, Amalia.
    Yukaro rested his hands upon the sheathed handles of his swords. “What are you doing here? You are exiled, banished, forbidden. Did you not understand?”
    “We came to see the Alliance Council.”
    “They're in Bradel Fields. Why are you here?”
    “Maybe I just came to see the streets. Dirtier than I remembered, or maybe that's just you.”
    Yukaro bristled, “If you wish a duel then say it!”
    “You think I couldn't destroy you and every other man here? You think I have anything to fear from this force?”
    Hektor stepped between the two boiling men. “Calm down. We didn't come here to fight,” Hektor said to Amalius before turning to Yukaro, “Surely at least one of the Council members is here with the army?”
    Yukaro pursed his lips and glared. After a moment he said, “Gradorian and Junai are with the troops outside of the city. If you leave through the western gate you'll find them.” Yukaro thrust his finger towards Amalius, “His banishment does not extend to the fields of Jipangu, though I wish it did.”
    “We'll be going then,” said Hektor. He gestured for his companions to gather around him and they teleported to the encampment west of the city.
    After a few stunned expressions from the soldiers who saw a group of heroes appear the party received directions to the camp center. Gradorian and Junai were waiting for them.
    After polite greetings Hektor said, “We have grave news.” The party told the two generals about how Hermes contrived to destroy Greshendale, their subsequent battle with the Dragovinians, and the likelihood of a Xorian counterattack. The divine magic that crashed the flying city might be construed as a breach in the rules of war which outlawed large scale destruction using magic. The Xorians had justification to destroy a city like Bradel Fields or Jipangu in response. Once again, the party stressed that Hermes tricked them into bringing Greshendale down.
    Gradorian thought over this and said, “We need to bring this before the Council as a whole. Will you come to Bradel Fields with us?”
    The party agreed. Gradorian called in a pair of Alliance wizards and a few moments later they stood outside of the Council Chambers in Bradel Fields.

    Gradorian and Junai left to gather the other Council members. Armed servants led the party to the large and round, familiar Council room in the center of the large building. Drinks were offered to the party but not taken. Amalius, Hektor, Danar, and Tagenadi waited for perhaps an hour before the Council arrived.
    Torin, their old friend and battle companion, arrived first. The Dwarven cleric of Athena greeted them cordially and whispered that he'd missed them. Next came Titandra, the blind seer of Restnor’s Point. Gradorian and Junai next. The pair are the sole survivors of the Mercenaries Guild of Phoenix. Rumor said that the Hobgoblin and the Elf shared a bed.
    Missing from this meeting were Kig Yupington and Astyanax who had both died during the battle with the Merfolk and had yet to be resurrected. The Bjorn of Dalleer was also absent as contacting him had proven difficult.
    The party struck up a friendly conversation with Torin. Arendil spoke, “Shall we get things started?”
    The party ignored him and continued speaking with Torin.
    “I’d very much like to hear what you have to say.”
    Not even a glance in Arendil’s direction.
    “If you will not participate then I see no reason for this meeting!”Arendil shouted.
    The party continued to ignore him, attempting to instill a measure of control of the proceedings. Arendil stood up from his chair and swept out of the round room, followed by Gradorian, Junai, and Titandra. Arendil shut the door behind them, unable to slam it due to the size of the door and his advanced age. Torin stayed, continuing to speak amicably. The party laughed, feeling that Arendil would return soon.
    A few minutes later the party heard voices outside the double doors and then a dull gray light shone as an antimagic field enveloped the room.
    Danar and Tagenadi rushed towards the doors. They met resistance when they tried to open them. The doors had no locks or bars, someone was holding them shut! The two struggled against the door and heard the strained voice of Gradorian on the other side, “It’s for the greater good!”
    Arendil added, “You will be turned over to the Xorians to pay for the destruction of Greshendale.” Evidently Gradorian and Junai had shared what they’d learned earlier.
    Danar and Tagenadi pushed with all their might and broke through the doors. They found Gradorian and Junai on the other side hastily drawing their weapons. Behind them stood Arendil and over a dozen archers in the hallway.
    Hektor pulled out his Staff of the Magi which had powerful magic that worked regardless of the antimagic field. He pointed it at the wall opposite the doors and invoked the Staff’s passwall magic. A blue light flew from the staff and illuminated a door-sized rectangle upon the wall. The rectangle flashed and then disappeared, revealing a passageway connecting to the hallway behind the Council room.
    Amalius’s gloves of storing had regurgitated their contents, his magical, but currently inert shield, and Korm the Decapitator. Korm was an artifact like the Staff of the Magi and the blade hungered for control of its destiny once more. The dagger attacked Amalius’s steel trap mind with a thousand needles, searching, probing for a weakness. Amalius left none. The dagger was rebuffed and Amalius remained master of his own thoughts and actions.
    Fully in control, Amalius bolted through the passwall away from the antimagic field. Once on the other side he cast his mind upon Gradorian, Junai, Arendil, Titandra (who he sensed in the hallway), and the archers. Amalius imposed his will upon them, dominating the actions of Arendil and half the archers.
    Gradorian and Junai unsheathed their weapons and attacked Danar and Tagenadi, trying to force them to retreat into the antimagic field. Danar and Tagenadi drew their weapons in turn and stood their ground, but did not unleash their full power against those who were once allies. Arrows flew at Danar and Tagenadi, but did nothing. A common soldier’s arrow could not damage Tagenadi’s skeletal body nor pierce Danar’s invisible armor composed of pure force.
    Torin, realizing what was happening, sided with the Alliance members. He loosed his spear and stabbed at Hektor, distracting the wizard.
    Amalius cast his mind out once more and succeeded in dominating the rest of the Alliance members outside of the Council room. Amalius shouted, “It’s over! I control the minds of everyone in the hallway! Give up, Torin, and we will treat you fairly!”
    Torin frowned and threw down his spear. He could not fight all four of them, especially within an antimagic field.
    Danar, Tagenadi and Hektor exited the Council room through the passwall, joining up with Amalius. Amalius ordered his mind slaves to kneel upon the ground and facing the Council room door with their eyes downcast in a mock worship of a god. He telepathed to everyone but directed his mental voice at his prisoners, “What did you hope to achieve here? Do you see our strength compared to yours? If I wanted to I could command you all to fight to the death. What do you have to say to that, Arendil? Hmm?” Amalius bitterly remembered how Arendil had spearheaded his exile from the Alliance.
    Arendil remained silent.
    “I command you to answer!”
    Arendil looked down and said nothing.
    “Look at me!”
    Arendil face lifted and he looked upon Amalius with utter hatred and malevolence. Still he refused to speak, mentally or otherwise. The domination magic had conquered the old man’s body, but not his mind or his spirit.
    Arendil said outloud, “What are words for one such as you? You are your grandfather’s spawn well and true.”
    Amalius’s eye twitched and he considered forcing Arendil to void his bowels. He thought better of it.
    Tagenadi said, “Amalius, that’s enough. Let’s go.”
    Amalius mentally commanded all of his mind slaves, “You will spend the next twenty four hours in solemn contemplation of what you have seen here and whether it is in your best interests to continue opposing me. You have my permission to carry out body functions as necessary but you are not to speak or communicate with anyone until your twenty four hours are complete. At that time you should contact me and I will release you.”
    With that the party teleported away.

    Fearing that there might be some backlash against him either from the Xorians or the Alliance, Amalius gathered his family members from their inn outside of Jipangu and took them to Lakatia. Zelus met up with the party at Lakatia, bringing Eathirilu’s body with him. Amalius’s relatives along with the party, entered Hektor’s magnificent mansion space for the night.
    In the morning Tagenadi and Amalius teleported to the Druidic Healing Guild in Lordodo to bring Eathirilu back to life. After the spell was cast Eathirilu’s panda body reformed into that of a shrew mouse. Eathirilu still kept the golden circle of fur around his head that he had earned while Panda of Satronwook. This same gold circle allowed him to speak and express his unhappiness with this new form. Eathirilu asked Tagenadi to kill him so that he could try once more (the circle of life is wonderful!). Tagenadi complied and the reincarnate was cast again. Eathirilu returned as a centipede. Frustrated, the process was repeated. On his third reincarnate Eathirilu came back as a wolverine with a golden circle around its head. Satisfied with this powerful mammalian form, Eathirilu thanked the druids and Tagenadi for their help and understanding.
    While Tagenadi and Amalius attended to Eathirilu’s reincarnation, Hektor used his scrying mirror to get a glimpse of their captured companions. Bart, his cohort was located in a candlelit torture chamber, naked and tied to a rack. The other captive, Merlot the psicrystal, appeared to be in a bag filled with gems and gold. Hektor could not see outside of the closed bag.

    The session ended there! More good fun to come!
    Last edited by Anxe; 2024-02-10 at 12:45 AM.