Quote Originally Posted by Amaril View Post
Yeah, but even that way isn't exactly what I'm thinking of. In Greek mythology, even if Olympus is connected to the mortal world, it always feels very much like another, separate realm--isn't it supposed to be impossible for a mortal to reach the home of the Olympian gods uninvited? Whereas in Dark Souls, to go back to that example, Anor Londo, the city of the gods, is literally just a normal city that humans can go to, where the gods happen to live (it's been sealed by the time of the games and is no longer so easily accessible, but ordinary humans lived there alongside the gods in the setting's past).
You could have the gods have special territories with unique properties that are based on their own philosophical outlook. Like a mountain that has a peak that's infinitely far away if you're trying to go for the destination, but becomes almost immediately if you realize that the journey is more important.

This also reminds me of Qaf from Exalted. It's a mountain that just keeps going forever. And ever. And ever.