Quote Originally Posted by Xuc Xac View Post
Most bronze age deities were treated like uranium fuel rods. Their power is obvious (nobody doubts Zeus because they've seen his lightning). You can see the temple building where they dwell and you can even go inside, but you can't go into the reactor core/"holy of holies" where the uranium/deity resides. It's forbidden to anyone except the high priests who can only go in there while wearing their special vestments and after performing the proper rituals. If someone were to barge in uninvited, the gods would smite them down by their very presence.
Heck, there was a legend about one of Zeus's consorts, Selene, mother of Dionysius, who died because no matter how small he tried to make his true radiance, Zeus's natural form incinerated her. The gods don't need to Smite mortals, they can kill by simply walking about and being seen.