Quote Originally Posted by Tobrian View Post
The point was being made that a Gray Guard might as well mutilate someone during interrogation "in the line of duty" and later use healing spells and this would all be nice as if nothing bad had happened at all and be lawful and good because the GG had an higher noble goal in mind all the time. And I say some things are always beyond the pale no matter what lofty goals you are bullsh*tting yourself about having.

Not to mention that it's been proven time and again that intel derived from torture isn't accurate but anyway.

Where not getting anywhere here gnight.............
So, please, tell me what is the correct way to interrogate a prisoner? Where is the line? You keep feeding negatives "That's wrong, that could never happen, it's always wrong." So tell us what is right in this case?

And don't say magical compulsion. Is temporary pain better than the psychic shock of having someone else controlling your body and actions against your will? What spell cures psychological damage?

Detect Lie is great for telling whether the suspect is lying under torture. That, and would you be so kind as to point me towards what studies or evidence you have that information gained under duress is any more or less useful than a confession interrogated out of someone merely scared? People keep stating that as though it were obvious, but never have I been directed to any evidence as such. Considering people whose job it is to gather information seem to think it has its uses, I am inclined to think it is fairly useful.