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Thread: How great should the risk of dying be?

  1. - Top - End - #61
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Re: How great should the risk of dying be?

    Quote Originally Posted by AMFV View Post
    I would say a game where one character died a year and a half ago, is not a game where I would consider the stakes life or death. I've run games where a PC died literally every session, and people still enjoyed themselves. It's just a question of playstyle goals and stakes. I've also run games that players did not die in at all. It's a different kind of game.
    There's an interesting aside here that the stakes of character death are generally based on investment - the longer you play the character, the more investment there is. If you're running "everyone dies, all the time", then you might have a stronger use case for "character creation as death penalty", though I'm still not a fan. If you're having characters die that you've played for months... I think that investment would be much higher than the "make a character penalty".

    But, yeah, totally agree on "one character died a year and a half ago" as being not a particularly lethal campaign. It's more like the style where people like to feel they're in a hardcore campaign, but really aren't. Which is a thing.
    Last edited by kyoryu; 2016-09-07 at 09:20 AM.