Apart from the Raise Dead thing, I'd line up, along with many players I regularly game with, to play with a DM like you described. I'll even play a no Rez game with a killer DM once in a while, because that's a crazy harder challenge. Of course, those usually end up being one shots by nature.

Speaking of Raise Dead, that really is a game changer in conversations about lethality. It's a major safety net for lethality vs investment in a character. Usually DMs make it relatively trivial to find someone to cast it, even in fairly lethal games. The questions become: have you made sufficient allies to care about recovering your body, or otherwise made sufficient contingency plans; can you afford the cost; did you screw up enough so that it's not possible to recover your body.

So yah, when I think of high lethality, I'm usually thinking of getting to the level where you can afford the ability to Rez, after which you really have to screw up pretty bad to permanently die. Which isn't really the same thing. Those are 'low level lethal' game, not a generally highly lethal game.