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    Default Re: Junkyard Wars XV: Ruathar + Stoneblessed - Human

    The wolf who cried gnome: Kinvig Arrumskor!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kinvig Arrumskor

    Kinvig Arrumskor - LN Male Lupin Archivist 3/Stoneblessed (Gnome) 3/Ruathar 3/Dragonslayer 1/Hexer 10

    Medium Monstrous Humanoid

    HD: 3d6+3d8+3d6+1d10+10d6+60 (137hp)

    Languages: Common, Elven, Gnome, Lupin and Terran* (purchased with skill points at 1st level)

    Ability Scores:
    • Str 14
    • Dex 14
    • Con 14 (+2 from Stoneblessed 3)
    • Int 15 (all increases from HD go here, +5 total)
    • Wis 14
    • Cha 8

    Spoiler: Build Table
    Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
    1st Archivist 1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Appraise 2, Concentration 4, Craft (stoneworking) 4, Knowledge (arcana) 1, Speak Language (Terran), Spellcraft 4, Tumble 2 Iron Will, Scribe ScrollB Dark Knowledge (tactics) 3/day
    2nd Archivist 2 +1 +3 +0 +3 Appraise 2, Concentration 5, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Knowledge (arcana) 1, (dungeoneering) 1, (the planes) 1, (religion) 1, Spellcraft 5, Tumble 2 Lore Mastery
    3rd Archivist 3 +1 +3 +1 +3 Appraise 2, Concentration 6, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Knowledge (arcana) 5, (dungeoneering) 1, (the planes) 1, (religion) 1, Spellcraft 6, Tumble 2 Expeditious Dodge Dark Knowledge 4/day
    4th Stoneblessed 1 +1 +5 +1 +3 Appraise 2, Concentration 6, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Jump 4, Knowledge (arcana) 5, (dungeoneering) 1, (the planes) 1, (religion) 1, Spellcraft 7, Tumble 2 Stonebond
    5th Stoneblessed 2 +2 +6 +1 +3 Appraise 2, Concentration 6, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Jump 6, Knowledge (arcana) 5, (dungeoneering) 1, (the planes) 1, (religion) 1, Listen 2, Spellcraft 8, Tumble 2 Racial Battle Technique
    6th Stoneblessed 3 +3 +6 +2 +4 Appraise 2, Concentration 6, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Jump 6, Knowledge (arcana) 5, (dungeoneering) 1, (the planes) 1, (religion) 1, Listen 6, Spellcraft 9, Tumble 2 Knowledge Devotion Stoneborn
    7th Ruathar 1 +3 +6 +4 +6 Appraise 2, Concentration 6, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Jump 6, Knowledge (arcana) 9, (dungeoneering) 1, (the planes) 1, (religion) 1, Listen 6, Spellcraft 9, Survival 3, Tumble 2 Martial Weapon Proficiency (longsword)B Word of friendship, gift of the elves
    8th Ruathar 2 +4 +6 +5 +7 Appraise 2, Concentration 9, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Jump 6, Knowledge (arcana) 10, (dungeoneering) 1, (the planes) 1, (religion) 1, Listen 6, Spellcraft 9, Survival 6, Tumble 2 Low-light vision, elfwise
    9th Ruathar 3 +5 +7 +5 +7 Appraise 2, Concentration 9, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Jump 6, Knowledge (arcana) 10, (dungeoneering) 2, (local) 1,(nature) 1, (the planes) 1, (religion) 1, Listen 6, Spellcraft 9, Survival 10, Tumble 2 Draconic Archivist Star blessing, Arvandor's grace
    10th Dragonslayer 1 +6 +9 +5 +9 Appraise 2, Concentration 9, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Jump 8, Knowledge (arcana) 13, (dungeoneering) 2, (local) 1, (nature) 1, (the planes) 1, (religion) 1, Listen 6, Spellcraft 9, Survival 10, Tumble 2 Aura of courage, damage bonus
    11th Hexer 1 +7 +9 +5 +11 Appraise 2, Concentration 12, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Jump 8, Knowledge (arcana) 13, (dungeoneering) 2, (local) 1, (nature) 2, (the planes) 2, (religion) 1, Listen 6, Spellcraft 9, Survival 10, Tumble 2 Hex 1/day
    12th Hexer 2 +8 +9 +5 +12 Appraise 2, Concentration 12, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Jump 8, Knowledge (arcana) 13, (dungeoneering) 3, (local) 2, (nature) 3, (the planes) 2, (religion) 1, Listen 6, Spellcraft 12, Survival 10, Tumble 2 Trivial Knowledge Bonus spell, hex 2/day
    13th Hexer 3 +9 +10 +6 +12 Appraise 2, Concentration 13, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Jump 8, Knowledge (arcana) 13, (dungeoneering) 4, (local) 3, (nature) 3, (the planes) 3, (religion) 3, Listen 6, Spellcraft 12, Survival 10, Tumble 2 Sicken hex
    14th Hexer 4 +10 +10 +6 +13 Appraise 2, Concentration 15, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Jump 8, Knowledge (arcana) 13, (dungeoneering) 4, (local) 3, (nature) 4, (the planes) 3, (religion) 3, Listen 6, Spellcraft 15, Survival 10, Tumble 2 Bonus spell, hex 3/day
    15th Hexer 5 +11 +10 +6 +13 Appraise 2, Concentration 16, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Jump 8, Knowledge (arcana) 13, (dungeoneering) 5, (local) 4, (nature) 4, (the planes) 4, (religion) 4, Listen 6, Spellcraft 16, Survival 10, Tumble 2 Power Attack Fear hex
    16th Hexer 6 +12 +11 +7 +14 Appraise 2, Concentration 17, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Jump 8, Knowledge (arcana) 14, (dungeoneering) 5, (local) 4, (nature) 5, (the planes) 5, (religion) 5, Listen 6, Spellcraft 17, Survival 10, Tumble 2 Bonus spell, hex 4/day
    17th Hexer 7 +13 +11 +7 +14 Appraise 2, Concentration 18, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Jump 8, Knowledge (arcana) 15, (dungeoneering) 6, (local) 5, (nature) 6, (the planes) 5, (religion) 5, Listen 6, Spellcraft 18, Survival 10, Tumble 2 Sleep hex
    18th Hexer 8 +14 +11 +7 +15 Appraise 2, Concentration 19, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Jump 8, Knowledge (arcana) 15, (dungeoneering) 7, (local) 5, (nature) 7, (the planes) 6, (religion) 6, Listen 6, Spellcraft 19, Survival 10, Tumble 2 Leap Attack Bonus spell, hex 5/day
    19th Hexer 9 +15 +12 +8 +15 Appraise 2, Concentration 20, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Jump 8, Knowledge (arcana) 15, (dungeoneering) 7, (local) 7, (nature) 8, (the planes) 7, (religion) 6, Listen 6, Spellcraft 20, Survival 10, Tumble 2 Charm hex
    20th Hexer 10 +16 +12 +8 +16 Appraise 2, Concentration 22, Craft (stoneworking) 5, Jump 8, Knowledge (arcana) 15, (dungeoneering) 8, (local) 7, (nature) 8, (the planes) 7, (religion) 7, Listen 6, Spellcraft 22, Survival 10, Tumble 2 Bonus spell, hex 6/day

    Racial Traits:
    Move 30 ft
    Darkvision 60 ft
    Acute Sense of Smell
    Expert Rider

    "Racial" Enemies:
    +1 bonus on attack rolls and damage vs. werewolves (Lupin)
    +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. giants (Stoneblessed)
    +1 bonus to attacks rolls vs kobolds and goblinoids (Stoneblessed)
    +1 bonus on weapon damage rolls vs. dragons (Dragonslayer)
    +1 to +3 bonus on attacks rolls for allies vs. aberrations, constructs, dragons, elementals, magical beasts, outsiders and undead (Archivist)
    +1 to +5 insight attack rolls and damage rolls vs. aberrations, animals, constructs, dragons, elementals, fey, giants, humanoids, magical beasts, monstrous humanoids, oozes, outsiders, plants, undead and vermin (Knowledge Devotion)

    Skill Bonuses:
    +2 bonus to Listen and Ride Checks (Lupin)
    +2 racial bonus on Survival checks to follow tracks (Lupin)
    +5 racial bonus on Spot Checks vs. Disguise within 5 ft (Lupin)
    +2 bonus to Decipher Script and Knowledge (arcana) checks (Archivist - Lore Mastery)
    +2 bonus on Listen and Craft (alchemy) checks (Stoneblessed)

    Spoiler: Spells Table

    Spells Per Day (before ability modifier bonus spells)
    Level 0lvl 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
    1st 3 2 - - - - - - - -
    2nd 4 3 - - - - - - - -
    3rd 4 3 2 - - - - - - -
    4th 4 3 2 - - - - - - -
    5th 4 3 2 - - - - - - -
    6th 4 3 2 - - - - - - -
    7th 4 4 3 - - - - - - -
    8th 4 4 3 2 - - - - - -
    9th 4 4 4 3 - - - - - -
    10th 4 5 4 3 2 - - - - -
    11th 4 5 4 4 3 - - - - -
    12th 4 5 5 4 3 2 - - - -
    13th 4 5 5 4 4 3 - - - -
    14th 4 5 5 5 4 3 2 - - -
    15th 4 5 5 5 4 4 3 - - -
    16th 4 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 - -
    17th 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 - -
    18th 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 -
    19th 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3
    20th 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 2

    "Bonus" spells from class levels (note: the wording in PrCs that advance casting is unclear as to whether classes like Archivist or Wizard get their extra spells added to their book through the PrC. For this reason, I have not included such spells here)
    Archivist 1 (ECL 1)
    0-level: all 0 level Cleric spells
    1st Level: Conviction, Protection from Evil, Resurgence, Shield of Faith, Sign
    Archivist 2 (ECL 2)
    1st level: Blade of Blood, Lesser Vigor
    Archivist 3 (ECL 3)
    2nd level: Divine Insight, Guidance of the Avatar
    Hexer 2 (ECL 12)
    5th level: Teleport
    Hexer 4 (ECL 14)
    6th level: Disintegrate
    Hexer 6 (ECL 16)
    7th level: Reverse Gravity
    Hexer 8 (ECL 18)
    8th level: Mind Blank
    Hexer 10 (ECL 20)
    9th level: Shapechange

    Recommended Archivist spells by level:
    1st: Aspect of the Wolf, Bless, Divine Favor, Entangle, Entropic Shield, Grease, Shillelagh
    2nd: Alter Self, Bear's Endurance, Bite of the Wererat, Blinding Spittle, Brambles, Bull's Strength, Darkbolt, Invisibility, Living Undeath, Lore of the Gods, Mirror Image, Owl's Wisdom, Primal Instinct, Spiritual Weapon, Web
    3rd: Blur, Dispel Magic, Evard's Black Tentacles, Fly, Greater Magic Weapon, Haste, Lightning Bolt*, Magic Circle Against Evil, Primal Senses, Protection from Energy, Restoration
    4th: Air Walk, Bite of the Wereboar, Dimension Door, Divine Power, Enervation, Freedom of Movement, Greater Resistance, Heart of Earth, Panacea, Polymorph, Primal Speed, Sheltered Vitality, Slow, Spell Immunity, Summon Giants, Vortex of Teeth
    5th: Antilife Shell, Baleful Polymorph, Heart of Fire, Owl's Insight, Plane Shift, Righteous Might, Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, Spell Resistance, Surge of Fortune, Swift Etherealness, Triadspell, True Seeing, Valiant Fury
    6th: Antimagic Field, Bite of the Werebear, Contingency, Energy Immunity, Greater Dispel Magic, Planar Ally, Spiritual Guardian, Summon Monster VI, Summon Nature's Ally VI, Superior Resistance
    7th: Acid Fog, Destruction, Forcecage, Fortunate Fate, Greater Teleport, Holy Star, Holy Word, Limited Wish, Spell Turning, Storm Tower, Summon Monster VII, Summon Nature's Ally VII
    8th: Dimensional Lock, Foresight, Great Spell Immunity, Greater Planar Ally, Iron Body, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Stormrage, Summon Monster VIII, Summon Nature's Ally VIII
    9th: Astral Projection, Gate, Implosion, Miracle, Mordenkainen's Disjunction, Summon Monster IX, Summon Nature's Ally IX, Time Stop

    *This is required for entry into Hexer, and can be obtained as an Adept 3 spell.
    **Archivist spells may be obtained from any divine class list, often giving them earlier and easier access to spells via domain and prestige class spell lists

    Early Years
    Kinvig was found orphaned as a cub by gnome scouts, after a werewolf attack decimated his tribe. The scouts brought him back to the gnomish settlement, where he was adopted by an elderly childless couple: Dalfen Arrumskor (Gnome Expert 4) and Janwed Arrumskor (Gnome Archivist 3). Dalfen was a respected stonemason, and Janwed was the settlement's lore-keeper.
    Kinvig took after his adopted mother, taking up the mantle of lore-keeper, always with his head in books, but also took a keen interest in his father's stoneworking.
    He proved himself an asset to the gnomish community, as both a spellcaster and a craftsman.
    ECL 5
    At this point there isn't a lot going on with Kinvig. His casting is good but not great. His Dark Knowledge checks can assist allies to a small degree.

    Kinvig enjoyed his life of collecting knowledge, working stone, and occasionally training with the gnomish warriors to learn their fighting techniques.
    On a foray with some of the warriors one day, they came across a local elf encampment, under attack from a group of brutish goblinoids, led by a huge mountain troll. Kinvig and the warriors joined the fight, and together with the elven guards, defeated the attackers.
    The elves were so grateful they invited Kinvig to become an honorary member of their village. Kinvig lived with the elves for some time, learning their ways.
    Then, one ill-omened day, a gnomish scout came to the village, summoning Kinvig home.
    An infamous green dragon called Klertannavol had attacked the settlement, killing many gnomes, including Kinvig's parents.
    After a time of grief, he swore vengeance on the dragon, and studied the best ways to kill the beast.
    ECL 10
    Kinvig is starting to come into his own as a divine gish here. He is proficiency in all martial weapons and heavy armor, has a respectable spell repertoire, and can get decent bonuses in melee using Knowledge Devotion

    Kinvig hunted the dragon down, confronting it in its forest lair. After a fierce battle, Kinvig eventually bested the creature. Even though his quest for revenge had been fulfilled, he still felt bitter and hollow. First his birth parents were taken from him, then his beloved gnomish parents.
    Kinvig grew more and more embittered, cursing all evil beings for the losses he had suffered. He hunted them down, and mercilessly eradicated them.
    ECL 15
    With a respectable BAB and Power Attack to supplement Knowledge Devotion, along with an arsenal of long term buffs, Kinvig is filling the role of martial spellcaster quite well. Trivial Knowledge, available through his Stoneblessed levels, helps boost the output for both Dark Knowledge and Knowledge Devotion.

    Years later, Kinvig became a figure to be feared throughout the land. He earned the a reputation for being a ruthless adversary of any who would threaten the gnomes or elves of his forest. Truth be told, though, even the elves and gnomes themselves feared him. He had grown ever more cold and heartless in his endless pursuit of enemies to punish.
    ECL 20 - sweet spot
    Kinvig is a full-fledged divine gish, complete with 9th level spells and a BAB of +16. Leap Attack is icing on the cake. He routinely has 24 hour and other long term buffs up, and often has a planar ally (generally a marut or planetar) accompanying him. He likes to shapechange into powerful melee forms, especially those with pounce or a similar ability.

    Recommended Gear
    Ability boosters are a good idea, especially for Wisdom - this helps both with bonus spells, and the DC for hexes. Con boosters are also desirable. No gish should be without the finest arms and armor, of course. After ECL 10, heavy armor and martial weapons become an option. Pearls of Power are always handy for a prepared caster. Scrolls, Wands and Staves can be useful if expensive.

    Use in a Campaign
    Kinvig is a fierce defender of his forest and the gnomish and elven communities therein. It's conceivable that he could be an ally or opponent to a group, depending on their motives. He could also be useful if the party is seeking a particular piece of knowledge, as Kinvig has very respectable knowledge skills (especially arcana). He has a particular hatred of dragons, and to a lesser degree, werewolves - so these could be adventure hooks of their own.

    Complete Adventurer: Leap Attack
    Complete Champion: Knowledge Devotion, various spells
    Complete Mage, Player's Handbook II, Spell Compendium: various spells
    Draconomicon: Dragonslayer
    Dragon Magazine Compendium: Lupin
    Frostburn: Summon Giants
    Heroes of Horror: Archivist, Draconic Archivist
    Masters of the Wild: Hexer
    Online: Guidance of the Avatar
    Races of Stone: Stoneblessed, Trivial Knowledge
    Races of the Wild: Ruathar, Expeditious Dodge

    Disclaimer 1: Yes, Stoneblessed is shoehorned in there. It fits with the backstory, but really the only thing it's "used" for is Trivial Knowledge.
    Disclaimer 2: The bonus Sor/Wiz spells from Hexer can mostly be obtained through Domains or other sources anyway, but are selected for utility and power. In the case of a DM being tough on allowing an Archivist access to Domain scrolls etc. this is a straightforward way to get them.
    Last edited by Inevitability; 2016-09-11 at 08:51 AM.
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