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Thread: Eyes of the Lich Queen IC II

  1. - Top - End - #1038
    Titan in the Playground
    TheFallenOne's Avatar

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Heidelberg, Germany

    Default Re: Eyes of the Lich Queen IC II

    The urge to stare was quite strong after that display, but there was no time to dawdle so Grimmgang accepted without question they had just immolated someone by putting cold steel through his heart. So far things were going exactly as planned but a good number of bodies still had to hit the floor before they were through here, most concerning the three dracotaur shamans surrounding them. A short dash turning into a leap brought him out of the box and into reach of one of the dracotaurs' upper body and after a quick slash he landed in a roll with the beast between himself and Daros.

    Move to L16
    Soaring Raptor Strike on R1
    Jump vs AC - (1d20+22)[32] Attack - (1d20+20)[33]
    Slashing damage - (1d10+5)[7] + Maneuver damage - (6d6)[22] + Skirmish damage - (3d6)[12] + Cold damage - (4d6)[20]
    Last edited by TheFallenOne; 2016-09-21 at 09:34 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff the Green View Post
    Actually, when you first put up the post where the gazebo started trying to eat us, I assumed you were pulling our legs and you'd put up the real post soon enough.