here is some thing for loyal paladin

Loyalpaladin paladin in the skull
Binding dc 16
Sign binder can stopflirting with females
Manifestationhuman skull hovering in reded wisp appears in the sign
Granted abilities

  • Enslaving smite loyal paladin shares with you some of the dark secrets of smiting as standard action you can attack one opponent who is opposite sex then you with melee attack she must made will save (dc20 + binder level + your charisma score) if fails she fells love with you
  • Loopholes of good loyal paladin shows you how to constantly release good aura even in dire situations as long as you bind loyal paladin your alignment shows lawful good instead of your original alignment
  • Vows un done loyal paladin teaches you the secrets to cheat in sachet vow as long as you bind loyal paladin your sacred vows are suppressed
  • Benefits of divine servant loyal paladin shares with you his physical gifts as long as you bind loyal paladin you gain divine grace feature of paladin class