Quote Originally Posted by Zayuz View Post
Few comments on my part, but it is good to see you back. We're teetering on the edge of E3 and QB and I as well as maybe a select few others got to talking about it E3 would be the most likely and most profitable route. E2 is pretty big to GM, especially as a single person. (Groups should cap at five players! Not.. I, how many do we even have? I have NPC actions to do so I won't bother counting. )

Also if you're writing fantasy you either need to add dragons or impressive navy battles. There is nothing in between.
Hehe, as of now, I've implemented neither, but the second one would be more likely to happen.

And to be honest, 5 players would be a bit small, hehe. Reading a bit back on the prior comments, it would seem some comments were made about bringing forward the more political side of Empire. I wonder if there is a way to bring that forward more without breaking the exploration completely. Maybe an idea to make rapid expansion more difficult or give less benefits? Just storming here.