Quote Originally Posted by CWater View Post
The guard, a human, lets her take the unicorn, looking a bit amused. He then goes back to rummaging through a storage chest.

The commanding officer, a half-elf, who is standing by the door addresses Eggy, "I assume you are Eglantine Mata, the other tenant of this room? Your brother has been accused of having stolen from a nobleman. He is in the castle dungeons. We are here looking for evidence."

"Nothing found, sir", says the third guard, an elf, and throws a piece of clothing on Eggy's bed. Her eyes are glowing faintly blue, indicating that she is using a magic detection spell. "Well, there's some money, but only small coins. No platinum."

"Hmm, keep looking. The signet and purse are small, easy to hide." The officer turns back to Eggy, "What do you have to say of these charges?"
Eglantine hugged Mr. Stabby to her chest, looking at the mess they had made of Rowans side of the room. "We aren't thieves. My brother and I would rather starve and have before. I'm Vindal's head apprentice down at the market. Almost a journeyman. And Rowan wouldn't ever steal, he just wants to help people. And the lockpicking thing Mrs. Mallow mentioned is just because she only lets us have one key and Rowan gets let out of the temple earlier than I get home from Vindal's shop and he forgets the key at home half the time. He doesn't mean poorly and he is a sweet kid but please don't leave him in the dungeon he really isn't a criminal I swear and my father made me promise to watch after him and please please please don't leave him in there." Eglantine started speaking faster and faster until her last words were almost a blur. She had begun to hyperventilate.