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Thread: Murder At Hogwarts

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Murder At Hogwarts

    Voldemort had won. Harry Potter was dead, the remnants of Dumbledore's stooges had been eliminated or forced into hiding, and Hogwarts was his own personal fortress. This, Tom reflected, was what he had been building towards for nearly fifty years. True, he'd lost many loyal followers over the years, and was left with a rather motley crew of low-level Death Eaters, some of whom were probably spies...but who cares, it's not like he had to worry about them banding together, infiltrating his organization, and taking him down, right? He was invincible, immortal, now that the accursed Potter brat was dead and buried somewhere in the forest.
    Voldemort's body was found the next morning, blackened by burns and riddled with strange holes. Some of the gathered teachers exchanged worried looks, while others schooled their expressions into the appropriate horror and disbelief to avoid tipping their hand. A message on the wall made their fate crystal clear:


    Spoiler: Mechanics overview
    All players have four important statistics: their alignment, their specialty/specialties, their Magic score, and their number of spellbooks. Alignment determines win condition, you get bonuses related to your specialties, your Magic score determines both your health and your voting power. Each character starts with a Magic score of 9 (which includes the bonus from spending your first "day phase" teaching classes), and 4 spellbooks (2 on their person and 2 in their classroom).

    There are three phases to this game: day phase, meeting phase, and night phase, each of which will last for 48 hours.

    During the day phase, you will have four slots in which to either teach class or visit a location; teaching class increases your Magic by 1, and visiting a location can have other benefits (some known, some not--see the Location spoiler for details).

    At the beginning of the meeting phase, it will be declared who taught how many classes that day, as well as who visited certain publicly known locations. After that, each player will cast two votes: one vote electing a lynchee and another vote electing a deputy. Your vote counts for a number of votes equal to your Magic score. Whoever has the most votes for lynchee is lynched; whoever has the most votes for deputy gains 5 Magic and all the spellbooks the lynchee had on their person.

    During the night phase, players can visit one location, use items, and assign spellbooks to spells. A player can assign one, two, or three spellbooks to a particular spell; a spell's power is equal to the number of spellbooks assigned to it plus any possible item/specialty/alignment bonuses; you cannot exceed a spell's maximum power by any means. You cannot cast a spell if you are incapable of meeting the minimum power requirement in some fashion. Determining what spell occurs first takes three factors into account: first, it looks at power (the more power behind the spell, the sooner it goes in the list of spells); second, the type of spell (Switch before Void before Bane before Scry before Kill); third, if two spells are of the same power and spell type, and the order in which they take place matters (such as switch spells of the same power sharing a target), the one that was submitted first will be executed first.
    Spoiler: Roles
    Spoiler: Alignment
    Death Eater (Good)
    You're just a regular DE-turned-professor; you could care less about whether Voldemort lives or dies as long as you get survive this killing spree. You win if you are still alive when Voldemort finally dies, or if you are still alive when the last Order member finally dies. You start with an additional specialty.

    Inner Circle Member (Good)
    You are a devoted member of Voldemort's Inner Circle. You've seen him die before, and you've seen him come back; you have faith that he'll return again and reward your loyalty. You win if Voldemort is still alive when the last Order Member finally dies, regardless of whether you yourself are alive or dead. Circle Members start out knowing each other (but not knowing Voldemort's current possession target). At the beginning of a new phase, you are collectively informed of any players that entered the Headmaster's Office location. You may not visit the Headmaster's Office, for that is your Dark Lord's domain and property.

    Voldemort (Neutral)
    As far as you're concerned, every one of these brain-dead morons could bite the dust as long as you're still alive when the dust settles. You win if you are still alive when the last Order Member dies. Any spell you cast has +1 Power on top of your specialty bonus. You start out knowing each of your follower's specialties, including the spies; if a follower has multiple specialties, you only know one of them. You do not know the Order Members at the start of the game, but you do know the Inner Circle Members. If you die (whether by reduction to your Magic score or lynching), you cease playing Voldemort, but a new non-Order Member player finds themselves possessed by his spirit (gaining his powers and access to the Voldemort QT); if Voldemort dies three times during the game, his spirit does not move onto a new target and the game is over. Voldemort starts with the "Elder Wand" item.

    Order Member (Evil)
    You're one of the best spies the Order Of The Phoenix has to offer, and you're risking your life to try and end the Dark Lord once and for all. You win if any Order Members are alive by the time Voldemort finally dies, whether you yourself are alive or not. Order Members start out knowing each other.
    Spoiler: Specialty
    Ancient Runes
    Any "Ancient Runes" spell you cast has +1 Power

    Care Of Magical Creatures Expert
    Any "CoMC" spell you cast has +1 Power. At the start of a new phase, you are informed of each player that entered the Forbidden Forest location during the previous phase.

    Charms Expert
    Any "Charm" spell you cast has +1 Power

    Dark Arts Expert
    Any "Dark Arts" spell you cast has +1 Power

    Divination Expert
    Any "Divination" spell you cast has +2 Power. One "Divination Expert" in the game is actually a fraud; they know the theory well enough to use the standard powers, but any attempt they make to use the "Visions" power returns accurate results for a randomly determined target rather than the intended target.

    Herbology Expert
    Any "Herbology" spell you cast has +1 Power. At the start of a new phase, you are informed of each player that entered the Greenhouses location during the previous phase.

    Potions Expert
    Any "Potions" spell you cast has +1 Power. At the start of a new phase, you are informed of each player that entered the Potions Closet location during the previous phase.

    Transfiguration Expert
    Any "Transfiguration" spell you cast has +1 Power
    Spoiler: Locations
    Forbidden Forest
    In this location, you can gather Acromantula Venom (two-time +1 Power to a Kill spell), gather various rare potion ingredients (two-time +1 Power to a Potion spell), drink Unicorn Blood (+8 Magic and no other effect), or just hide out (+3 Magic, and your vote doesn't count during the next meeting; multiple uses of this bonus in the same day phase extend the "no voting" duration an additional meeting).

    Divination Tower
    Entering this location requires two class periods worth of time...because you've gotta get sober before returning to the classroom/meeting. You partook in the diviner's pipe, and you opened up your mind to the cosmos, and something otherworldly moved in and started paying rent. Free use of the "Visions" power if you come here! 50/50 chance of using Visions power as if you were a fraud/legitimate seer.

    Headmaster's Office
    Entering this location requires two class periods worth of effort, but contained within...well, you're not sure, but there's probably tons of spellbooks and magic items and stuff like that. Surely you could knick something before whatever guard dogs are watching it come after you?

    Herbology Greenhouses
    Plants everywhere...and so many of them so valuable and useful! In this location, you can either gather exotic plants for Herbology (two-time +1 Power to a Herbology spell) or Potion (two-time +1 Power to a Potion spell) purposes.

    Visiting this location during the Day Phase is made publicly known during the meeting phase. That said, a professor can check out three books for a day, which is pretty cool if you're willing to let everyone know (although you have to return the books the next day and re-check them out to continue gaining the benefits). If you instead visit during the night, you can permanently gain two spellbooks, although at the start of the Day Phase, it's publicly announced how many books have been stolen from the library that night (though not who stole them).

    Each player has a personal office, where half of their current spellbooks are stored. Visiting someone's office allows you to steal a spellbook from them. The player whose office is visited is informed of how many people visited their office, but not their identities; this information is not made public, although it can be announced by anyone if they wish.

    Potions Closet
    This location contains all the best potion ingredients. Visiting this location gives you two rare potions ingredients (each of which is a two-time use +1 Power to a Potion spell).

    Room Of Hidden Things
    Students up to no good have been hiding crap here for centuries, who knows what kind of cool stuff you could find? I will roll (IRL, so completely private) on a list of 100 items I came up with for this location (the room regenerates this item when it's taken, so tons of visits won't rid the room of items). These wonderful items could do anything from make you immortal to instantly kill you! Come on, take a chance!

    There are at least two secret locations, with many possibilities for additional secret locations. To locate a secret location, a player must inform me what location from the setting they wish to look for, and how many class periods they'll devote to searching for it, and I'll tell them if the time they spent was sufficient to locate the area they were looking for, and what effects that location can have on them for visiting.
    Spoiler: Spell List
    Name Specialty/Type Min/Max Power Description
    Avada Kadavra Dark Arts/Kill 4/5 Choose one player; their Magic is reduced by twice this spell's power.
    If this would reduce the target's Magic to zero or lower, they are dead.
    Avis Charm Transfiguration/Kill 1/5 Choose one player; their Magic is reduced by this spell's power.
    If this would reduce the target's Magic to zero or lower, they are dead.
    Confundus Charm Charm/Void 1/5 Choose one player; any powers they use after this power affects them are unsuccessful.
    They are not informed of this power failure.
    Create Cover Transfiguration/Bane 4/5 Choose two players; their Magic is increased by twice this spell's power.
    Non-Kill Powers that target them later in the same night are unsuccessful.
    Crucio Dark Arts/Void 1/5 Choose one player; any powers they use after this power affects them are unsuccessful.
    Their Magic is reduced by 1. They are informed of this power failure.
    Devil's Snare Herbology/Void 1/5 Choose one player; any powers they use after this power affects them are unsuccessful.
    Their votes in tomorrow's meeting are not counted. They are informed of this power failure.
    Draught Of Living Death Potions/Kill 1/5 Choose one player; their Magic is reduced by this spell's power.
    If this would reduce the target's Magic to zero or lower, they are dead.
    Felix Felicis Potions/Bane 5/5 Choose one player; their Magic is increased by this spell's power every night for the next three nights.
    Non-Kill Powers that target them while this spell affects them are unsuccessful.
    Herbalism Herbology/Bane 1/5 Choose one player; their Magic is increased by this spell's power.
    Non-Kill Powers that target them later in the same night are unsuccessful.
    Imperio Charm/Void 4/5 Choose one player; any powers they use after this power affects them are unsuccessful.
    Their votes in tomorrow's meeting count for your vote instead.
    They are informed of this power failure.
    Kidnapped CoMC/Void 4/5 Choose one player; any powers they use after this power affects them are unsuccessful.
    Their votes in tomorrow's meeting are not counted.
    Mandrake Trap Herbology/Kill 4/5 Choose two players; their Magic is reduced by this spell's power.
    If this would reduce a target's Magic to zero or lower, that target is dead.
    Monster CoMC/Kill 1/5 Choose one player; their Magic is reduced by this spell's power.
    If this would reduce the target's Magic to zero or lower, they is dead.
    Obliviate Charm/Switch 1/5 Choose two players; any powers after this one that target one instead targets the other.
    Palm Reading Divination/Scry 1/5 Choose one player; both you and they learn the last (twice spell power) powers that
    targeted the target in the last two nights, and the name of who used that power.
    The target knows that you used this power on them, as well.
    Polyjuice Potion Potions/Switch 1/5 Choose two players; any powers after this one that target one instead targets the other.
    Recording Rune Ancient Runes/Scry 1/5 Choose a number of locations equal to this spell's power; you learn who has entered
    these locations within the past two day/night cycles, what phase they entered that location during,
    and one random specialty they possess.
    Reducto Dark Arts/Kill 1/5 Choose one player; their Magic is reduced by this spell's power.
    If this would reduce the target's Magic to zero or lower, they are dead.
    Rune Trap Ancient Runes/Kill 1/5 Choose one player; their Magic is reduced by this spell's power.
    If this would reduce the target's Magic to zero or lower, they are dead.
    Seal Of Protection Ancient Runes/Bane 4/5 Choose one player; their Magic is increase by twice this spell's power.
    Non-Kill Powers that target them later the same night or the next night are unsuccessful.
    Switching Spell Transmutation/Switch 1/5 Choose two players; any powers after this one that target one instead targets the other.
    Tea Leaves Divination/Scry 1/5 Choose one player; you learn a number of the following things equal to this spell's power:
    the number of spellbooks they possess, one randomly determined specialty (no repeats),
    what powers they used last night, what their current Magic is.
    Visions Divination/Scry 5/5 Choose one player; you learn their current Magic, what powers they used last night,
    what powers targeted them last night, the number of spellbooks they possess,
    every specialty they possess, and every location they visited during the last day/night cycle.
    Watchful Eyes CoMC/Scry 1/5 Choose a number of players equal to this spell's power; you learn every location they visited
    during the last day/night cycle and how many spellbooks they possess.
    Spoiler: Player List
    Player Status
    Anonymouswizard Blown to pieces by Tanar's Contingency
    Black Socks Overdosed from spray paint fumes
    Disc Lorde Beaten in contingency chess by Narrator
    Duck999 Computer got hacked...into pieces
    Duneyrr Crushed by slam poetry
    Eggel Served over hard
    Elenna Stabbed by Xihirli
    Eternis Trapped in amber forevermore
    flatfooted Ganked by a passing rogue
    Fleeing Coward Eaten by a basilisk
    Garraban Crushed by falling adventurers
    Generic-Guy Claimed by WearingARedShirt disease
    GrayDeath Hung for refusal to pay bad joke tax
    igordragonian Dropped out due to insufficient pony quantities
    ImperatorV Soul Splice gone wrong
    Kish Kishkabobbed
    Lex-Kat Cancelled due to scheduling error
    Murska Lynched before the game even started
    Orbital Panic Crushed by falling meteorite
    Qwanch Signed up for too many games
    Ramsus Crushed by rejected homebrew
    Sniccups Trusted the wrong person, got backstabbed
    Strigon Got Vamped...and then ran into Buffy
    Tanar Aerdoth Killed via...well, a wizard did it
    TBFProgrammer Overcharged a spell and exploded
    Thematthew Autolynched for being too quiet
    ThePhantom Dead man walking
    Tom The Mime Taken out by a silent-but-deadly sniper
    Xihirli Stabbed by Orbital Panic
    Last edited by AvatarVecna; 2016-11-19 at 02:29 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xumtiil View Post
    An Abattoir Vecna, if you will.
    My Homebrew