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Thread: IC Ljonarian Enigma: Tournament Chaos

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    Firbolg in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: IC Ljonarian Enigma: Tournament Chaos

    Quote Originally Posted by Athedia View Post
    Eglantine hugged Mr. Stabby to her chest, looking at the mess they had made of Rowans side of the room. "We aren't thieves. My brother and I would rather starve and have before. I'm Vindal's head apprentice down at the market. Almost a journeyman. And Rowan wouldn't ever steal, he just wants to help people. And the lockpicking thing Mrs. Mallow mentioned is just because she only lets us have one key and Rowan gets let out of the temple earlier than I get home from Vindal's shop and he forgets the key at home half the time. He doesn't mean poorly and he is a sweet kid but please don't leave him in the dungeon he really isn't a criminal I swear and my father made me promise to watch after him and please please please don't leave him in there." Eglantine started speaking faster and faster until her last words were almost a blur. She had begun to hyperventilate.
    "Well... Afraid your brother will remain in the dungeon until the nobleman drops his charge, or someone can prove his innocence", the officer says, though in a less confrontational tone than before, "I know of Vindal, if you are his apprentice, that might have some weight." The guards continue their search of the room for a moment longer, coming up empty handed. "Fine, seems there's nothing here. We'll be going", the leader nods to Eglantine and Mrs Mellow and turns to leave with the others following his lead.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kish View Post
    "What's going on here?" she asks the neighbor.
    Boris shakes his head. "Oh, wish I knew. The guard went in some time ago, and they've been making a mess from what I've heard. Say, do you live here now? Think I remember one of your type getting a room..."

    Quote Originally Posted by aReallyGreatAxe View Post
    Rowan jumps in surprise, then kneels down to peer at the hole. "Oh, hello! I'm Rowan, it's nice to meet you. I was starting to think there was nobody here but me and moss."
    He sits on the floor in a more comfortable position, wiping the grime off of his hand and onto his clothing.
    "I mean, a dungeon's a lot more boring than I expected, and it really shouldn't take this long to figure out I didn't steal anything. Who are you?"
    "Hah! If they want you guilty, then guilty you shall be!", replies the voice. Sounds like it belongs to a man, though it's on the high-pitched side. "A day ago I never thought I could be thrown down here- or has it been five or maybe ten already? Can't tell here. Left here to go mad, that they've seen to. Oh, I can feel it working on my insides. Once the walls start to speak to you, it's hard to tell what's real anymore..." He stops. "Ah, guess you're one of the false images too. Such a shame. I was getting tired of talking with myself."

    Spoiler: OOC
    Again, sorry for not updating earlier. I was swimming in a sea of creative exhaustion for a few days, then some recent events got me to hurry back on the train to fantasyland. Funny how that goes.
    Last edited by CWater; 2016-11-09 at 02:44 PM.
    Alamryn Kven, a druid who tries very hard not to be useless.
    Celesta Halla, a fearless barbarian.
    Jheren Falconer, a drifter ranger.
    Rhenner Calami, a snarky medic with an untrustworthy memory.

    DMing Ljonarian Enigma: Imperial Affairs and The Pirate Dream: Sliced Heart