Quote Originally Posted by Koo Rehtorb View Post
I think it would be fun and helpful if you, Darth Ultron, were to describe to us, in at least some detail, how one of your plots goes.
So Back Ground:
The elf kingdom and orc kingdom are at war. The PC's start out as mercenaries, all of races other then elf, dwarf and orc, hired by the orcs, first as nameless arrow stoppers, but later as an 'a-team'. The PC are 'evil' on their character sheets, but they act '21st century good' anyway. Then an elven princess comes to them and asks for help as the elves are loosing the war. She offers a good bribe of a wish each and deal and the PC's agree to help. Her plan is to get the so far neutral dwarves involved in the war. She is not sure how to do that....

The Current Adventure Starts:
So they need a way to get the dwarves on the elf side. They come up with the plan of ''kidnap the dwarven princess'' (they almost ''kidnapped the elven princess'' when they first met and plan to turn her over to the orcs...but decided not to). They head back to the orcs and suggest they do the plan(not mentioning the elven princess part) and the orcs agree and support them. So they had over to dwarven lands. They offer their services to the dwarves as an 'a-team' and quick earn some fame..while still ''working'' for the orcs(and elves) and really playing the middle. It's a big juggling act full of politics, role playing, combat and warfare. They hope to attract the attention of the dwarf king and get invited to the royal hold.

The Pc's have just found a kenku with a message from the elf king to the dwarf trade guild with a plan to end the war: have the elves surrender and accept orc rule...if they can get the dwarf king to step in and be ''peace keeper'' to make sure the orcs don't slaughter the elves. Note the elf king does not know about the princesses PC plot, it's unknown if she knows what the king is up too. The Pc's want the elves to win and are thinking about somehow getting this information to the dwarf king(they know the guild and king are not working together). The last game was avoiding and fighting trade guild thugs, elf assassins (from princess number two), orc thieves and recapturing that kenku that has escaped from them twice....

I know the full big plot (the war) and the medium plots(the politics) and as the Pc's are not demi gods they can't have any real effect on them. The small plots (the immediate ones in front of the Pcs) have a basic timeline and set events, with a couple ''what ifs'' if the Pcs attempt to change something. I have paragraphs about each NPC and lots of notes and pre made encounters. Mostly things just happen around and to the Pcs. The elven assassin encounter happened in the woods, as soon as the Pc's left town after the kenku(the first time he escaped). A jerk player would say ''the kenku escaped and ran right to the elven assassin encounter...railroad!'', for example. The sandboxy person would say ''Um the kenku went north towards the capital on the road and that is where the elves were hiding as it's the main road'' in the improve or react to players or whatever way they say. I simply say ''everything is railroaded as there is a complex plot'' and ''I want the game to be fun and interesting and active''.

Is that enough detail?