Quote Originally Posted by Dienekes View Post
So anyone have any thoughts on the assassin update? I don't particularly play many of them, myself. But, I just Aramed Shaco and it just did not feel good, at all. Probably doing something wrong, but I just felt useless the whole game.
I've only played Talon so far, and he's a lot of fun...although his Jump is unreliable at best, and I feel would benefit STRONGLY from an indicator like that of the blast flowers: sometimes it's hard to predict exactly where he will land with some of the geometry.

I was also very frustrated that game: the enemy had a jungle Shaco and, although I was equally fed if more fed at most stages, I felt entirely powerless against him. My burst had been delayed enough that I couldn't one-shot him instantly, and Talon cannot catch someone with that long a period of invisibility after a blink. It really felt like a hard counter: I'd hit him, he'd go invisible, and that would be that. And if he hit me first I'd usually struggle to get away unless there was a wall immediately present. It felt...awful and crippling, actually.