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Thread: League Of Legends LXVII: "MY PICK'EMS!"

  1. - Top - End - #277
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Djinn_in_Tonic's Avatar

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    Default Re: League Of Legends LXVII: "MY PICK'EMS!"

    Hm. After looking at her notes currently on Surrenderat20 (not complete yet), I'm a little saddened that the passive is on such a long cooldown. I get the goal of it there, but I think that a more common but smaller shield might have lead to more interesting target prioritization options in the mid-to-late game teamfights. Depending on how short this CD ends up it might end up fitting my vision anyway...we'll see.

    Also, cooldowns at rank 1 are as follows:

    Passive - 20 seconds (looks reducable with level and/or cooldown?)
    Q - 9 seconds
    W - 15 seconds
    E - 16 seconds
    Last edited by Djinn_in_Tonic; 2016-11-21 at 05:52 PM.


    2oz Djinn
    5oz Water
    1 Lime Wedge


    Pour Djinn and tonic water into a glass filled with ice cubes. Stir well. Garnish with lime wedge. Serve.