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Thread: Talk to Ashiel About Anything Mark II

  1. - Top - End - #408
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Talk to Ashiel About Anything Mark II

    It'd need to be a LOT of alchemist fires. And we don;t have anyone with craft alch or access to anywhere to buy anything at the moment. Or I;d definetly do that. Right now I;m planning to Enervation then Dismissal the damn thing. Too bad I can;t animate anything. Lack of bodies aside, I;m only allowed to make sentient undead. So kinda stuck with a dead archetype and a dead domain spell and so forth :p

    Pity I can;t animate elementals.

    Also, Chaos. Specifically the Chaos Marines sect the Alpha Legion. The Black Ops of the Space Marines, where everyone else was all run by the manual, the Alpha Legion did their own rules. They had two Primarchs, and the primarchs dressed like the common marines. Every marine is named after the head Primarch. They;re known to use spies and eprform memory rewrites on themselves and surgery to be better spies.

    They turned Chaos after they received a vision from a chaos priest. In this vision they saw two outcomes. Horus turns traitor, dies, and the universe is consumed by chaos. Or, Horus wins, kills his father, rules, has a change of heart, and then wipes out all of humanity, effectively crippling chaos for good at the cost of their entire race. And so Alpha joined Chaos in order to help Horus win.

    Alpha Legion obey no specific chaos god, and they specifically attempt to nurture chaos cults and support them. When the chaos cults get in trouble, Alpha Legion will actually jump in to save them. Alpha Legion have no restricted playbook, they do whatever will win, no matter how unorthodox. Leaders are expected to defer to experts advice in their fields. Alpha legion has no command structure, they are Cell based and each cell is expected to act independently for their overall goal.

    They are my favorite thing.
    Last edited by Zilrax; 2016-11-28 at 04:04 PM.