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Thread: Best Kind of Psion?

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Best Kind of Psion?

    I was hoping to find out what people think is the best kind of Psion and why? I've always though Telepath and Shaper were the best. Telepath because unlike a spellcaster they have to make no sound or handmovements when casting. Shapers because they are better a making monsters than members of other class do to versityily and the Constructor class on the wizards sites.

    Any help would be good. I'm helping LadyOfTheStick make her first PC and she is looking at psions. Even though I have played them I normaly only play Telepaths and Shapers and would like to give her a better over all discription.

    Note: I was going to do a poll but the site will only let me do a max of six options, when did that happen?
    Last edited by StickMan; 2007-03-05 at 11:02 PM.

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