Sudden lunge-- provokes an attack of opportunity from you or someone else? If from you--- it seems to only be useful to large creatures or those with a reach weapon, also--does this movement provoke attacks of opportunity?
Does this count toward your number of AoO per round?

Swift reposte- Does this count toward your number of AoO per round?

Also, may you use hambering blow and knocking blow at the same time?

Wounding Strike--- normal attack? standard action? does it stack? ie hit someone 5 times with a bow that has 1 wounding strike feat-- does it remove 10 hp/round? or 2 hp/round?

Hampering Blow-- normal attack? standard action? does anything happen if they are already fatigued?

Knocking Blow seems kinda.... too good seeing how out of the core classes- only 3 have balance as a CS... possibly have balance be a check they may make in place of something else.