Monastery of Ho-u
She hisses quietly back.
"You mad Seņor Seji!? I'm half Quincy, the Arrancar will probably kill me as soon as they sense me! I can't go to Las Noches!"
She turns to see the newcomer.
"and who in Davy Jones locker are you?"
Wait a staff.....a....staff....wasn't that one of the higher ranking Shinigami she heard about? Something something.....oh right! She snaps her fingers
"Wait I think I know: Your Koutarou! Vice Commander of the Shinigami! Wait.....all the nope!"
Wow, she was outdated. Nevertheless this was bad. She could feel the urge to Kill All Shinigami rising and she needed to restrain herself lest they kill her. Narsica starts running away out of the hospital in a rush.