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Thread: Princess Celestia's Homebrew Corner

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Celestia's Avatar

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Canterlot, Equestria

    Default Paladin Fix

    The Paladin

    Alignment: Lawful Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Evil, or Chaotic Evil
    Hit Die: d10

    Level BAB Saves Special
    1 +1 +2/+0/+2 Aura of Good/Evil, Detect Evil/Good, Smite Evil/Good 3/day
    2 +2 +3/+0/+3 Divine Grace, Lay on Hands/Deadly Touch
    3 +3 +3/+1/+3 Divine Health, Aura of Courage/Resolve/Despair/Debilitation
    4 +4 +4/+1/+4 Special Mount, Turn/Rubuke Undead
    5 +5 +4/+1/+4 Smite Evil/Good 4/day, Remove/Cause Disease 1/day
    6 +6 +5/+2/+5 Mounted Combat
    7 +7 +5/+2/+5 Ride-By Attack
    8 +8 +6/+2/+6 Remove/Cause Disease 2/day
    9 +9 +6/+3/+6 Hallow/Unhallow 1/week
    10 +10 +7/+3/+7 Smite Evil/Good 5/day
    11 +11 +7/+3/+7 Remove/Cause Disease 3/day
    12 +12 +8/+4/+8 Hallow/Unhallow 2/week
    13 +13 +8/+4/+8 Trample
    14 +14 +9/+4/+9 Remove/Cause Disease 4/day
    15 +15 +9/+5/+9 Smite Evil/Good 6/day, Hallow/Unhallow 3/week
    16 +16 +10/+5/+10 Spirited Charge
    17 +17 +10/+5/+10 Remove/Cause Disease 5/day
    18 +18 +11/+6/+11 Hallow/Unhallow 4/week
    19 +19 +11/+6/+11 Holy Word/Blasphemy
    20 +20 +12/+6/+12 Smite Evil/Good 7/day, Remove/Cause Disease 6/day
    Class Skills (4 + Int)
    Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty), Knowledge (Religion), Profession, Ride, Sense Motive

    Hallow/Unhallow (Sp): As the spell.

    Holy Word/Blasphemy (Sp): As the spell, usable a number of times per day equal to Charisma modifier.

    Spellcasting: Entirely Charisma-based.

    Level Spells per Day
    1 2/-/-/-/-/-
    2 2/-/-/-/-/-
    3 2/-/-/-/-/-
    4 2/0/-/-/-/-
    5 3/1/-/-/-/-
    6 3/1/-/-/-/-
    7 3/2/0/-/-/-
    8 3/2/1/-/-/-
    9 3/2/1/-/-/-
    10 3/2/2/0/-/-
    11 3/3/2/1/-/-
    12 3/3/2/1/-/-
    13 4/3/2/2/0/-
    14 4/3/3/2/1/-
    15 4/3/3/2/1/-
    16 4/3/3/2/2/0
    17 4/3/3/3/2/1
    18 4/3/3/3/2/1
    19 4/3/3/3/2/2
    20 4/3/3/3/3/2

    0th Level Spells:
    Cure Minor Wounds (Good), Detect Magic, Guidance, Inflict Minor Wounds (Evil), Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink

    5th Level Spells:
    Atonement, Break Enchantment, Commune, Cure Critical Wounds (Good), Disrupting Weapon (Good), Flame Strike, Inflict Critical Wounds (Evil), Animate Dead (Evil), Righteous Might, True Seeing
    Last edited by Celestia; 2017-03-07 at 12:04 PM.
    Princess Celestia's Homebrew Corner
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    Thanks to AsteriskAmp for the avatar!