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    Ogre in the Playground
    Celestia's Avatar

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Canterlot, Equestria

    Default Soulscarred Blade

    The Soulscarred Blade

    Alignment: Any except True Neutral
    Hit Die: d10

    Level BAB Saves Special Weapon Enhancements
    1 +1 +2/+0/+2 Soulscarred Weapon +1, Soulfeeding, Empathic Link 0
    2 +2 +3/+0/+3 Track 0
    3 +3 +3/+1/+3 Soulscarred Emanation 0
    4 +4 +4/+1/+4 Soulscarred Enhancement, Soulscarred Resistance +1 1
    5 +5 +4/+1/+4 Soulscarred Weapon +2 1
    6 +6 +5/+2/+5 Mettle 1
    7 +7 +5/+2/+5 Soulscarred Edge 2
    8 +8 +6/+2/+6 Soulscarred Resistance +2 2
    9 +9 +6/+3/+6 Soulscarred Weapon +3 2
    10 +10 +7/+3/+7 Telepathic Link 3
    11 +11 +7/+3/+7 Greater Soulscarred Emanation 3
    12 +12 +8/+4/+8 Soulscarred Resistance +3 3
    13 +13 +8/+4/+8 Soulscarred Weapon +4 4
    14 +14 +9/+4/+9 Traumatic Mind 4
    15 +15 +9/+5/+9 Greater Soulscarred Edge 4
    16 +16 +10/+5/+10 Soulscarred Resistance +4 5
    17 +17 +10/+5/+10 Soulscarred Weapon +5 5
    18 +18 +11/+6/+11 Soulscarred Power 5
    19 +19 +11/+6/+11 Soulreaper 6
    20 +20 +12/+6/+12 Soulscarred Resistance +5 6
    Class Skills (4 + Int)
    Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Move Silently, Ride, Sense Motive, Survival, Swim, Use Rope

    Weapon and Armor Profciency: A Soulscarred Blade is proficient in only her Soulscarred Weapon and others of the same type. Her Weapon can be any kind, even exotic. A Soulscarred Blade is proficient in all armor. If her Weapon is light or one-handed, she is also proficient in shields (except tower shields).

    Soulscarred Weapon (Su): All Soulscarred Blades are born from tragedy and loss. Someone close her, be they parent, child, spouse, etc., was brutally murdered in front of her. Even more, the soul of her loved one did not, for whatever reason, pass on to its rightful afterlife. Instead, the soul became trapped forever within a particular weapon of some personal significance. Grief-stricken, the Soulscarred Blade takes up this weapon on a quest of either justice or vengeance.

    The Soulscarred Weapon can be any kind of masterwork weapon, which the Soulscarred Blade gets for free at level one. It cannot be made of any special materials, but it can later be reforged to include them following the normal crafting rules and costs. The Weapon gains a bonus to hardness equal to twice the Soulscarred Blade's level and gains bonus hit points equal to five times her level.

    As the Weapon houses a soul within it, it possesses it's own innate magic which grows as the Soulscarred Blade levels. It begins with a +1 enhancement bonus that increases every four levels. The Weapon is also an intelligent item. Roll 3d6 for each of its mental stats. Put the highest result into Charisma, and if it is lower than a 16, raise it to 16. Every time it increases in enhancement bonus, it's Charisma increases by 2 points. The weapon has its own skill ranks and gains 2 + Int skills per level and four times that at level one. It's class skills are all skills keyed off of the mental abilities, and it cannot take ranks in any other skills. The Weapon is not subject to any effect that requires a saving throw and is treated as an object for all effects. It possesses 20 feet of blindsight per point of enhancement bonus. For the purpose of the spell Mage's Disjunction, treat the Weapon as an artifact.

    The Weapon, being irreparably damaged by its traumatic death, does not possess a complete personality. Instead, its mind narrowly encompasses one Primary Emotion. There are four possible emotions, each one linked to a particular alignment. The Primary Emotion of the Weapon much match the alignment of the Soulscarred Blade. This emotion determines the ability granted by the weapon as well as future abilities it may develop.

    Anger (Chaotic): The soul within the Weapon feels only pure and all-consuming rage at the world. It can bestow this anger upon the Soulscarred Blade, allowing her to Rage as a Barbarian a number of times per day equal to its Charisma modifier.
    Fear (Evil): The soul perpetually relives the sheer terror of its final moments and the horror of feeling its life quickly slip away into oblivion. The Weapon can make others feel this terror, as well. Any creature dealt damage by this weapon must make a Will save (DC10 + 1/2 level + the Weapon's Charisma modifier) or become frightened for one round. This is a mind-affecting effect.
    Regret (Lawful): The soul feels great shame for its death and is constantly filled with a powerful regret that eats away at its mind. The Weapon seeks to protect the Soulscarred Blade from this regret and confers a deflection bonus to AC equal to the Weapon's Charisma modifier as long as it is in her possession.
    Sorrow (Good): The soul is consumed by guilt and sadness over its untimely death, and it can inflict these feelings of sorrow on others. It allows the Soulscarred Blade to use Crushing Despair as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to her level a number of times per day equal to the the Weapon's Charisma modifier. The save DC uses the Charisma modifier of the Weapon or the Soulscarred Blade, whichever is higher.

    Soulfeeding (Su): Whenever a Soulscarred Blade kills a living creature with her Weapon, the soul within siphons off some of its power and gives it to her. She heals 1d8 hit points and gains a bonus on attack and damage rolls equal to the Weapon's Charisma modifier until the end of her next turn. This bonus overlaps and does not stack with itself if she kills another creature before its duration ends.

    Empathic Link (Su): The Soulscarred Blade's connection to her weapon is strong enough to form an empathic link. She usually only receives reinforcements of the Weapon's Primary Emotion over it, but she can sense the Weapon's level of approval or disapproval of her actions. She can also call the Weapon to her as an immediate action regardless of where it is. The Weapon instantly teleports to her hand.

    Soulscarred Emanation (Su): At level three, the Soulscarred Weapon has built up enough power to manifest its will as an aura of elemental energy around itself. This energy deals 1d6 damage on strike and 2d6 damage on a critical (3d6 if x3 or 4d6 if x4). The type of damage dealt is based on the Weapon's Primary Emotion: Fire (Anger), Electricity (Fear), Acid (Regret), or Cold (Sorrow). At level eleven, the number of damage dice doubles.

    Soulscarred Enhancement (Su): At level four and every three levels after, the weapon gains a new ability from the Soulscarred Enhancement list. These abilities can be picked from either the general list or the list matching the Primary Emotion and must meet the minimum level requirement.

    Soulscarred Resistance (Su): Starting at level four, the Weapon reaches out with some of its power to protect the Soulscarred Blade. She gains a +1 resistance bonus to saves as long as the weapon is in her possession. This bonus improves by one every four levels.

    Soulscarred Edge (Su): By level seven, the Soulscarred Weapon has killed enough creatures to learn their weakest points. While being swung, it realigns itself to strike at the most vulnerable parts of its enemies. The Weapon's critical threat range doubles, and its critical multiplier increases by one. At level fifteen, this ability improves. The threat range triples, and the multiplier increases by a further one. This ability does not stack with Improved Critical or any other feat or ability that increases threat range or critical multiplier.

    Telepathic Link (Su): By tenth level, the Weapon has fully awakened its mental powers and can telepathically communicate with the Soulscarred Blade as long as they are within one mile of each other.

    Traumatic Mind (Ex): After fourteen levels, the Soulscarred Blade has lived with her trauma long enough to harden her mind and use it like a shield. She gains immunity to mind-affecting effects. Further, any creature that attempts to use such an ability against her automatically takes 1d10 psychic damage and must make a Will save (DC10 + 1/2 level + Charisma modifier) or become dazed for a number of rounds equal to the Soulscarred Blade's Charisma modifier. If the creature is psionic, it also loses power points equal to the amount it failed it's save by.

    Soulscarred Power (Su): At level eighteen, the Weapon has reached the pinnacle of its power. It grants the Soulscarred Blade a spell-like ability usable once per day at a caster level equal to her class level. The save DC uses the Charisma modifier of the Weapon or the Soulscarred Blade, whichever is higher. The ability received is based on the Weapon's Primary Emotion: Storm of Vengeance (Anger), Weird (Fear), Imprisonment (Regret), Wail of the Banshee (Sorrow).

    Soulreaper (Su): By level ninteen, the Weapon has become so resentful and hateful of living things that it seeks to punish them and make them suffer for their happiness. Whenever the Weapon kills a living creature, it automatically Soul Binds the target, as the spell, with a caster level equal to the Soulscarred Blade's level and using the Weapon's Charisma modifier for the save DC. If successful, the soul becomes bound to the Weapon whereupon it is torn apart and consumed by the Weapon's hatred. Every soul the Weapon claims increases its Charisma by one point. The souls can only be freed by destroying the Weapon followed by casting Wish/Miracle/Reality Revision to repair the damage inflicted upon them. Thereafter, the slain creatures can be restored to life as normal.


    Soulscarred Enhancement:


    Bane (lvl 4): The Weapon gains the Bane enchantment. It can only be taken against the creature type of the one who murdered it.

    Distance (lvl 4): The Weapon gains the Distance enchantment.

    Ghost Touch (lvl 4): The Weapon gains the Ghost Touch Enchantment.

    Pain Thrust (lvl 10): The Weapon can force its pain and suffering upon another creature. It can psionically attack a creature that was just dealt damage by the Soulscarred Blade's attack. The creature takes 1d10/level psychic damage, Will negates (DC10 + 1/2 level + the Weapon's Charisma modifier). This ability is a mind-affecting effect and can be used a number of times per day equal to the Weapon's Charisma modifier.

    Recall Death (lvl 16): The Weapon can inflict images and emotions of its brutal murder upon the mind of another creature and make it undergo the experience of dying. Any living creature struck by the Weapon must make a Will save (DC10 + 1/2 level + the Weapon's Charisma modifier) or die from the shock and agony. If it succeeds the save, it takes 5d6 psychic damage and is shaken for one round. This is a mind-affecting and death effect and is usable once per day.

    Seeking (lvl 4): The Weapon gains the Seeking enchantment.

    Throwing (lvl 4): The Weapon gains the Throwing enchantment.

    Vorpal (lvl 19): The Weapon gains the Vorpal enchantment. Slashing and piercing only.


    Anarchic (lvl 13): The Weapon gains the Anarchic enchantment.

    Confusion (lvl 7): The Soulscarred Blade can use Confusion as a spell-like ability 3/day with a caster level equal to her class level. The save DC uses the Charisma modifier of the Weapon or the Soulscarred Blade, whichever is higher.

    Greater Rage (lvl 16): The Weapon's Rage ability now acts like Greater Rage.

    Rage (lvl 4): The Soulscarred Blade can use Rage as a spell-like ability 3/day with a caster level equal to her class level.

    Vicious (lvl 4): The Weapon gains the Vicious enchantment.


    Fear (lvl 7): The Soulscarred Blade can use Fear as a spell-like ability 3/day with a caster level equal to her class level. The save DC uses the Charisma modifier of the Weapon or the Soulscarred Blade, whichever is higher.

    Frightful Presence (lvl 16): As long as the Soulscarred Blade wields her Weapon, she gains Frightful Presence.

    Phantasmal Killer (lvl 7): The Soulscarred Blade can use Phantasmal Killer as a spell-like ability 3/day with a caster level equal to her class level. The save DC uses the Charisma modifier of the Weapon or the Soulscarred Blade, whichever is higher.

    Thundering (lvl 4): The Weapon gains the Thundering enchantment.

    Unholy (lvl 13): The Weapon gains the Unholy enchantment.


    Axiomatic (lvl 13): The Weapon gains the Axiomatic enchantment.

    Dismissal (lvl 7): The Soulscarred Blade can use Dismissal as a spell-like ability 3/day with a caster level equal to her class level. The save DC uses the Charisma modifier of the Weapon or the Soulscarred Blade, whichever is higher.

    Mighty Cleaving (lvl 4): The Weapon gains the Mighty Cleaving enchantment.

    Shield (lvl 4): The Soulscarred Blade can use Shield as a spell-like ability 3/day with a caster level equal to her class level.

    Speed (lvl 4): The Weapon gains the Speed enchantment.


    Disruption (lvl 4): The Weapon gains the Disruption enchantment. Bludgeoning only.

    Heal (lvl 10): The Soulscarred Blade can use Heal as a spell-like ability 3/fay with a caster level equal to her class level. The save DC uses the Charisma modifier of the Weapon or the Soulscarred Blade, whichever is higher.

    Holy (lvl 13): The Weapon gains the Holy enchantment.

    Repulsion (lvl 10): The Soulscarred Blade can use Repulsion as a spell-like ability 3/day with a caster level equal to her class level. The save DC uses the Charisma modifier of the Weapon or the Soulscarred Blade, whichever is higher.

    Wounding (lvl 4): The Weapon gains the Wounding enchantment.


    Ex-Soulscarred Blade: If the Soulscarred Weapon should ever break, the soul within scatters to the four winds, and the Soulscarred Blade loses all class features that rely on it. The Weapon can be repaired with a DC20 Craft check, but this does not fully restore the Weapon. Afterwards, the Soulscarred Blade must perform a ritual lasting no less than one day per level to recall the soul of the departed. She can do nothing else during this time, and if she is interrupted, the ritual fails and must be restarted. If the Soulscarred Blade does not complete the ritual within a year and a day of the Weapon's destruction, then the soul manifests as a Soulscarred Specter, and the Weapon can never be restored ever again. However, if the Soulscarred Blade tracks down and slays this Specter, then she can move on with her life. The soul, however, dissipates into oblivion. Due to the link between her and the soul, she always knows where the Soulscarred Specter is at any time. The Specter does not grant XP when defeated. Instead, destroying it allows the Soulscarred Blade to come to terms with her loss and find closure. She can rebuild her character, replacing all Soulscarred Blade levels with those of any other class(es) for which she qualifies and gains the associated features. She retains her weapon and armor proficiencies, even if her new class is not normally proficient in them. She also retains the Track feat if she has it. If she reached level fourteen, she retains her immunity to mind-affecting effects, but she no longer counterattacks those who use them against her.

    Soulscarred Specter:
    Medium Undead (Incoporeal, Psionic)
    Hit Dice: Equal to the Soulscarred Blade's level
    Initiative: +7
    Speed: Fly 80 ft (perfect)
    Armor Class: 13 (+3 Dex)
    Base Attack: 1/2 HD
    Attack: Incoporeal Touch (1d8 + 2d6 fire/electricity/acid/cold (based on Primary Emotion))
    Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
    Special Attacks: Pain Blast
    Special Qualities: Damage Immunity, Darkvision 60 ft, Incoporeal Traits, Telepathy 100 ft, Turn Immunity, Undead Traits, Unnatural Aura
    Saves: low/low/High
    Abilities: Str --, Dex 16, Con --, Int *, Wis *, Cha * (mental abilities are the same as the Weapon's)
    Feats: Improved Initiative (plus more based on HD)

    A Soulscarred Specter cannot speak but can understand any language known by the Soulscarred Blade.

    Pain Blast (Ps): A Soulscarred Specter violently lashes out at all creatures around it. Every creature within 60 feet takes 1d10/level psychic damage, Will save negates (DC10 + 1/2 level + Charisma modifier). The Soulscarred Blade gets a +2 empathy bonus against this effect. This is a mind-affecting effect.

    Damage Immunity (Ex): A Soulscarred Specter can only be damaged by the weapon that it used to inhabit. It is immune to all other forms of damage. The Soulscarred Weapon also ignores it's Incoporeal traits.

    Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals, whether wild or domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of a Soulscarred Specter at a distance of 30 feet. They do not willingly approach nearer than that point and panic if forced to do so. They remain panicked as long as they are within that range.
    Last edited by Celestia; 2016-12-22 at 03:53 AM.
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