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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: High School Harem Comedy (Game System, PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Aleolus View Post
    I have a request, if anyone would be willing to take me up on it. I applied for a HSHC game a while back and had an archtype I made for it, but I wasn't very happy with it (plus I don't remember where it is, so I can't find it). Would anyone on here be willing to take a stab at creating a Kami (God/Goddess) supernatural archtype?
    What the hell.... It's a WIP though ;)

    Spoiler: Kami-Sama
    Kami-Sama (Goddess)

    "I'm watching over you, Progtagonist-kun...."

    You are the Goddess of a local shrine, taken mortal form to investigate this thing these mortals call "love", and you've set your sights on Protagonist-kun...

    What fools these Mortals be: You just don't understand mortals or their culture, making you a bit gullible when it comes to that stuff. You believe just about anything anybody tells you when it comes to mortal custom's: -2 on skill rolls involving social situations or believing what another player tells you. However....sometimes your so naive it's cute: +2 to your next Allure roll.

    Divine Wrath: You throw temper tantrums like Zeus throws lightening bolts, leaving a path of devastation in your wake. Once per episode, you gain a +3 bonus to a conflict roll. However, great power comes with a great price....you are NOT cute when you are angry...your next allure roll is treated as an automatic 1. (In addition, you receive no bonus to your allure from any other advantages.)

    Divine Luck: As a Goddess, you are naturally, or rather SUPER-naturally lucky. Once per episode, you may take an automatic 6 on any uncontested luck roll, or gain a +3 on one luck roll when facing off against any other players.

    Divine Intervention: You have a lesser spirit (in human form) serving as your assistant while you dwell in the mortal realm, who takes care of the "mortal nonsence" for you. Once per episode, you gain a +3 on any skill roll as your assistant swoops in and handles this "nonsense" for you .

    Heavenly Body: As a Goddess, your mortal form is very well built. You gain +4 to any Allure roll involving physical beauty or raw sex appeal.

    Aegis: You are a Goddess. These mortals cannot harm the you. You automatically win any conflict roll made to avoid suffering any physical harm from any mortal sources, and +3 to avoid physical harm from other supernatural archetypes.

    Respect my Authora-tah: Once per episode, you may force a Miko character to take an automatic loss on one roll of any type.
    Last edited by Mutazoia; 2016-12-23 at 04:23 AM.
    "Sleeping late might not be a virtue, but it sure aint no vice. The old saw about the early bird and the worm just goes to show that the worm should have stayed in bed."

    - L. Long

    I think, therefore I get really, really annoyed at people who won't.

    "A plucky band of renegade short-order cooks fighting the Empire with the power of cheap, delicious food and a side order of whup-ass."